10: Moving In

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Be the troll moving in with Dave:

"And I think that's the last of my stuff."
I set the box of various romcoms down in front of the TV.

"Good, my arms are killing me.." Dave groans; falling back onto the couch. He sighs and holds his arms out. "Cuddle me, dork." He demands.

I laugh and flop down on top of him, as hard as I can. He grunts.
"Ow.. Don't kill me, jeez."

I just laugh and nuzzle his chest, purring.

"Karkat, why do you have so many fucking romantic comedies?"

"Because they are the best thing ever." I smiled.

"But seriously, you have ten fucking boxes filled with them! There can't be that many in the world, right?"

"I get them online and shit. I have multiple versions of some copies because others have deleted scenes, and I also get romcoms from other countries, and I have old ones.. And I have JUST romance movies too, without the comedy, and some romor-"


"Romance Horror films?"

"Oh god.. I thought you hated horror movies?"

"Not unless there's romance in it." I smirked and sat up on him. "So I'm guessing I'll be making us food for now on? It seems like all you eat is shitty junk food and you don't even gain any weight!"

"Well I'm used to walking to work, so that's one factor.." He shrugs, looking up at me, "And I don't eat junk food that much!"

"DAVE. When I first fucking met you, your place was trashed with pizza and happy meal boxes! I even found an old burrito under your couch!!"

"So that's where that burrito went.." He laughed and pulled me back down to his chest, "Well, I'm pretty sure your cooking will be amazing...once I actually go to the market to get shit.."
He leans to kiss me.

"No no!" I put my hand over his face, "YOU are not shopping. I am. Knowing you, you'll spend everything on apple juice and horribly flavored triangular chips."

"Hey!" He laughed, pushing my hand away. "Doritos are the best!"

"No they aren't." I got off of him. "So.. Are you going to help me unpack?"

Be Dave:

Rose messaged me when Karkat was in the shower after I 'accidentally' spilled apple juice on him.

TT: David.

TT: Hello? Are you busy?

TG: nah sorry. I was just cleaning up apple juice from the couch.

TG: spilled it over Karkat.

TT: He's there with you currently?

TG: no, he's in the shower. I spilled it on him.

TT: Oh, how unfortunate. Don't be so clumsy.

TG: It was on purpose. I wanted to get him shirtless..

TG: Instead he punched me and marched off to get the smell of my 'cat piss' juice off of his skin.

TT: Lovely.

TT: Anyways, I need you to come in early tomorrow.

TG: whyyyyyyyy? You know I like my sleep!

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