4: (Ex)Lovers and Flirting

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AN: Haha yes. Precious Applebees in this bitch. By the title of this chapter you should probably be able to figure out what this chapter is about.. Well, half of it at least..

Be the one who is about to have many flashbacks from high school:

We all sat awkwardly at the table.
By all, I mean Karkat, my high school ex and his fiancee.

"Uh.. Dave, thii2 ii2 my fiiancee Aradiia.. AA, thii2 ii2 Dave.." He spoke quietly.

"Hell0 Dave." She smiled and I shook her hand.


She looked nice and was easy to get along with. She sat next to Karkat in the booth. Sollux and I had to awkwardly sit next to each other.

"S0000, are you dating Karkat?" She asked.

Karkat nearly choked on his orange juice... AGAIN.


"0h, well y0u tw0 w0uld seem cute t0gether.. And I'm curi0us ab0ut y0ur high sch00l lives n0w." She looked between me and Sollux. "Care t0 share?"

"YEAH! I'm a little curious myself." Karkat stared at Sollux.

"Uhhhhh.." Sollux was getting nervous, and looked at me.

I cleared my throat.
"Uh.. Well.. We started dating in the summer between our Freshman and Sophomore year.. I think?"

"00h! D0 tell m0re!" Aradia smiled

I glanced at Sollux and he nodded.
"Alright.. So we were at the beach with a few friends.. There were only about two weeks left before school started again.."

"Hey Sollux! Come over here!" I waved to him. He sat on the sand as everyone else was goofing off in the water.

"No, IIm fine.." He looked down at his phone. He was always shy for some reason, and I couldn't put my finger on it. I had to admit, he's cute.

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to drag you in!" I smirked and ran out.

"What?! No!" He put his phone down and stood up to run away, but I caught him.

"Come on Lispy, you can't stay dry forever!"

"Nooooooo! Dave! Let me goooo!" He struggled to pull away.

I laughed and eventually pushed him into the water.
He shrieked and made a big splash. I burst out laughing as the cute troll glared at me.

"IIt2 NOT funny Dave!"

"Ha! Sure was funny to me!" I continued to laugh but quickly stopped when he pulled me in and pushed me under water.

"Ha! Let2 2ee how you liike iit!"

Of course, I did my best to keep my sunglasses won. I succeeded and came up to take a breath of air.

"Fuck you Captor!"

"When and where 2triider?~" He crossed his arms, smirking.

"Ew, not like that!" I pushed him playfully, laughing while blushing uncontrollably.

Yes, I did have a thing for this nerd.. He was too cute and his lisp was adorable.

He laughed and I detected a bit of blush on his cheeks.

"2o, uh.. Wanna get out now? My clothe2 are 2oaked becau2e of you. We can go on a walk 2o they dry off."

"Sure." I took his hand and pulled him out of the water. We snook off, away from our group of friends to walk.

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