7: First Kiss

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Be the Strider:

"Oh my god. They're both into each other! Why doesn't he just fucking kiss her already."

"Oh my god, shut up Strider. The director obviously made it like that to build up tension and the climax of the whole entire movie! This is why romantic comedies are a piece of art."

"This movie blows." I groaned.

"Shut up! It's your fault for letting me choose a movie.. So pipe down and watch it.." He grumbled and crossed his arms.

"Jeez, sorry." I sighed and looked at the screen. It might suck, but at least he's enjoying it.. Every time I look at him, he's reciting lines under his breath. He knows this movie heart by heart. Great.. 

Well I have nothing better to do. Might as well start working my Strider charm on him..

I slowly yawned, and 'stretched'; placing my arm around him. Yes I did this, shut the fuck up okay?

He looked at me and laughed, "Wow, seriously?"


"You did not just ducking do that. Wow, WOW." He pushed my arm off, laughing to himself. "Nice try Strider."

Shit. He's good... Probably from watching all these damn romcoms..

"If you want to 'woo' me.. You're going to need to do something less predictable on the first date." He explained.

Hmm.. Less predictable.. Well.. Do people usually kiss on the first date? Hm.. Nah.

"Okay." I paused the movie and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him close.

He freaked out.

Boom. Kiss.

He quickly pulled away and wiped his mouth. "YOU ASSHOLE!!!"

"Wait, wha–" I was so confused when he stood up and put on his shoes by the door. "What the hell are you doing?"

"IM GOING HOME!" He yelled at me, growing under his breath.


"Oh jee! I don't know! What the hell just hAPPENED LIKE A COUPLE OF SECONDS AGO!!!!???"

I stood, walking over to him.
"You're leaving because I just kissed you?!"

He nodded.

"That's so stup-"


He was about to open the door when I put my hand against it, towering over him.
He stared at the knob. "Pull your hand away.. I'm leaving.." He said quietly.

"Look Im sorry. . I didn't know.. And you can be mad all you want, but please don't leave just yet.. You barely got here- and.. Well I really like you, okay? Um.."

He still didn't look at me, still staring at the doorknob.

"Just.. Ugh, you said something less predictable on the first date! And like, this isn't even really our first date, more like the second! I'm counting that awkward breakfast as a first!"

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