1: The Beginning To A Race

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Be Vantas:

"Mr.Vantas, Miss Maryam needs you in )(er Office right away!"
"Okay, Thank you Feferi. I'll be there right now." I thanked my co-worker and stood from my chair.

I walked out of my cubicle and down the hall. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I glanced and saw my friends Gamzee and Sollux.

"Hey KK, are you 2tiill up for toniight?"
"Um.. Tonight?"
"Aw ShIt BrO, DoN't TeLl Us YoU fOrGoT!"

"He forgot Gz." Sollux sighed.

Just then Terezi came walking over, resting her elbow on my shoulder.

"Oh right. That. Yeah, sure. Wait, where were we going?"

"To thii2 bar.. It'2 al2o a karaoke place II thiink.."
"I hope you don't plan on forcing me to sing, because I'm not going to."
"Aw but KK! You'd be a great 2iinger!~" He teased.

"Hey! All of you stop chatting a8out tonight's plans and get 8ack to work!" Vriska yelled from her seat.

"OH QU13T VR1SK4!" Terezi stuck her tongue out at her. "4NYW4YS, S33 YOU GUYS TH3R3!" Terezi waved, walking away.

"I would prefer if you called me 8y my last n8me Miss Pyrope!"
"OH 1'M SOOOO SORRY M1SS S3RK3T." Terezi groaned.

The guys and I chuckled to ourselves.
"2o 2orry for buggiing you Mr. Vanta2." Sollux said, making a joke.

"Thank you for the apology Mr.Captor. And a good day to you Mr.Makara."

I laughed as I saw Vriska groan and pout. She's such a boss's pet.. Always putting everyone on check.

I made my way to my boss's office, also known as Kanaya. She's the head of our company called Sgrub. Our rival is another called Sburb. It's a human company.

It pains me that we are almost the same! We both are a video game company, yet operated by two different species.

A while back, a human and a troll made some sort of deal with money, and now both of us have the same exact concept for the game we are creating. It sickens me to know that.

Both the human and troll were fired from their companies. This was years ago..

Now we just have to find a way to see exactly what they're planning so we can be ahead of themselves, and have the general public, all game reviews all in a positive note. Plus we need this before they try anything to get ahead of us. My boss and the boss of our rival calls it 'friendly competition' but us workers..

It's a fight to the finish, no holding back.

I knocked on the door.
"Come In."

I opened the door, seeing Kanaya sitting at her desk, probably doing some paperwork.

"Ah, Mr.Vantas. There You Are. I've Been Meaning To Speak To You For Awhile About Something. I Have A Job For You. Please Sit So We Can Discuss.." She motioned towards the jade colored chair in front of the mahogany desk.

"A job?" I sit down, confused.

She nodded and stood up, placing her hands on her desk.

"As You Know, Our Game Has Only Three Months To Get Ahead of Sburb. We Need Something To Find Out What The Other Is Up To. I Know It's A Risky Move, But We Have No Choice. We Can't Let Another Incident Hit Us Again Like It Did All Those Years Ago When My Mother Started This Company. I'm Putting You in Charge Of Trying To Get Any Information On Sburb. Get A Human Who Works There To Tell You Everything.. Make Sure They Don't Know You Work For Sgrub."

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