5: [Insert your own chapter title here]

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Be Karkat Vantas on the phone still:

"Hahaha! Okay, you what?" I asked Dave, laughing my ass off.

"It was a senior prank. All the seniors pranked the principal by placing a shit load of pictures of John Cena's face onto her car and my friend was able to open the door and placed a boom box, blasting the music with it yelling JOOOHN CENAAAA!" Dave laughed on his end.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"Wow, you don't seem as shitty as I thought of you to be.." I admitted. It was true.

"Well of course I'm not shitty. I'm Dave fuckin' Strider." He chuckled. "Anyways Karkat, it's getting pretty late. It's like.. What, ten pm already? But maybe tomorrow me and you can meet up?"

"Define what you mean by 'meet up'. I'm not cleaning your apartment again."

"Haha, you're too cute. No, I mean like.. Uh.. Listen, I know we've barely just met and stuff.. And have been talking on the phone for a couple of hours.. But I was wondering if you wanted to go out?"

"Go out?"

"Yeah. Like.. To the movies or something?"

I flushed and whispered, hoping Sollix wouldn't hear. "Uh.. L-Like a.. Date?"

"Yeah, sure I mean if you want it to be! Fuck.. We don't have to go out if you don't wanna! Like in public! We can just hang out at my place.. Um, I have Netflix-"

"Oh my god, please do NOT say 'Netflix and chill'. I've had enough of that already.."

". . . I didn't say it, but we can watch Netflix or some shit without the 'chill'. Unless you want to~"

"Ha, in your fucking dreams Strider, but.. Um.."

He stayed quiet on his end, waiting for my response.

"But.. Yes, I'll go on a date with you.."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Did I fucking stutter?" I laughed a little, blushing as I held a stuffed crab close to my chest.

"Heh, well okay then. I'll call you tomorrow then. Be ready around 7 pm. Dress nice."

"Okay, goodnight Dave."

"Goodnight Karkat." He hung up.

Holy shit.. I just said yes to a fucking date with him.
What the hell am I doing?!

Shit, if Kanaya finds out I am probably screwed.. She will not accept that..
And I should definitely keep this away from Sollux for a while..

Now that I think about it, Dave is actually not that bad.. And he's kinda hot.. I can see why Sollux dated him.
Fuck, didn't Sollux say Dave cheated on him?! Fuuuuck. Okay, if that IS true, I'm sure Dave changed his ways.

I stood up from the bed, yawning a bit. I walked out of my room and walked to the bathroom to go brush my teeth.
I saw Sollux in the bathroom, doing the same.

"Oh hey KK. What are you doiing up 2tiill?"

"Uh.. I was just finishing talking to Strider.. What about you?"

"II wa2 talkiing to Kanaya about 2ome modiifiicatiion2 to the game, and II talked to AA for a whiile."

I smiled and grabbed my toothbrush. "So how's that house search going for you and her?" I got the toothpaste.

He finished brushing his fangs.
"Pretty good actually! We found the perfect house, and iit2 not that far from work. Walkiing dii2tance maybe? IIt ha2 a backyard wiith a pool AND a jacuzzii. Dii2hwa2her, two bedrooms, two bathroom, a fiireplace-"

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