Chapter Thirteen | You Can't Just Pay For My Groceries

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"Do you really need Fruit Loops?"

"How can you even ask that? Yes, I really need Fruit Loops."

"But you just grabbed a box of Coco Pops!" 


"Flynn, both are just as unhealthy as each other."

Flynn scowled, throwing the box of childrens cereal into our trolley, right on top of the yellow box of Coco Pops. "No, one is chocolate, the other is fruit flavoured."

I felt my eyes bulge in disbelief, and the half scoff, half chuckle that fell out of my mouth had his scowl deepening and his eyes narrowing into a glare. 

"What are you laughing at?" He asked, stopping the trolley near the produce section. I tried not to grin at his expression, but my mouth twitched on it's own accord, moving upwards into a smile.

"Flynn, you're just about to buy two types of kids cereal. It's a little funny."

"Your face is a little funny." He grumbled, pushing the trolley passed me as my mouth dropped open in shock. 

"Rude." Narrowing my eyes at him, he paused as his body passed mine and leant in a little, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. 

"Rude," He mimicked, and I sent him a scowl as the area around me suddenly closed into a small, enclosed area with our trolley to my right, the shelf of produce behind me, and Flynn crowding the leftover space. He was only about half a metre away, and because he was half a head taller, he felt even closer to me then he was.

This was the sort of thing I was trying to avoid, sharing a trolley with him. Flirting. Bantering. Couply things.

Because quite frankly, my heart couldn't handle the palpatations he gave it, just by being near. 

My mind instantly sprang to the night at my house when Flynn came around to tell me off, and we ended up against the wall, making out. 

I really didn't need that picture right now, however, because Flynn was still right there, right in front of me, and I found myself wanting to wrap my hands around his neck and-

I huffed, pushing his chest a little roughly to make him step back. He did, and had a knowing little smirk on his face as he turned and grabbed the trolley handle. 

He knew the affect he had, and I wasn't sure if I was annoyed, or relieved that he wasn't so oblivious as other men could be. 

I was swinging more to the annoyance feeling, however. That one was easier to deal with.

"What else do you need?" I asked him as we turned down the next aisle, which stocked the biscuits and chips. We moved down each aisle slowly, shopping for both of us as we laughed together, arguing over what we did and didn't need.

I shouldn't be here, I thought as we neared the checkout. I had started to imagine us as a couple but stopped myself as quickly as the thought came. 

Flynn was a cop. Yeah, so his job made him quite appealing to the opposite sex, I got that, but still. He was growing close to my family, and he was incredibly appealing in the looks department. 

All good points. 

But for me, that made it worse. Flynn's sort of girl would be a fun loving, carefree sort with big career goals, a college degree, that sort of thing. 

I would be at college if we could afford it, however. But that was beside the point. 

I wasn't carefree either. I spent most of my time worrying about Marley, how he was going, worrying about dad, how he worked too much, worrying about not having enough money to live comfortably because our mother had cleaned us out of most of our savings.

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