Chapter Twenty~Eight

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We walked inside and there sitting on the couch was.......... Ashton. Yay. I guess I would of had to of seen him sometime anyway. "Hey guys." Ashton said and the guys responded and then this woman with brown hair appears next to him. "Hey Cameron." The boys say and she waves and then she looks at me with a smile I can see right through. "Hello you must be Taylor right?" She asked and I nodded and all I wanted to do was run up to my room and hide.

"I'm Cameron. Ashton's girlfriend." She said sticking her hand out. I don't want to touch that but I have to be nice so I shook her hand. I let her hand go and I grabbed my bag and ran upstairs to my room. I shut my door and looked around my room.

"I've missed this." I whispered dropping my bag and falling back on my bed. I sat up and I saw a box sitting on the floor in the corner of my room. I walked over and picked it up and inside was a necklace.

It was just a simple chain with a crescent moon and a small blue heart. (Image above) I've seen this before. I just don't know where. I looked back in the box and saw two photos.

The first one was of Kim, Jay, and me. Jay had his arm around me and Kim was using his head as an arm rest and we were all making a funny face. I smiled because I remember that day. That was when we were happy and that was the day before everything changed.

We were all playing outside since it was Summer.

"Jacob! Be careful with your sister!" My mother yelled while my dad laughed.

"Now let's get a photo of you three." My mother said smiling.

I put the photo down and wiped away my tears. Why did that car crash have to happen? It should of been me. My sister hates me. Everything was my fault.

I didn't look at the second photo I just put the box back and curled into a ball. I love it here but why did this happen? Why wasn't it me? I miss you mom, dad, Jay. I miss my sister. This is all my fault.

I soon woke up to a knock at my door. I looked to see I slept for two hours.

I wiped my eyes and said, "Come in." Luke walks in but as soon as he see's me he shuts the door and walks over to me.

"Have you been crying?" He asked and I didn't answer.

He hugged me and I hugged him back and once again my tears came out.

"It's okay Taylor." Luke whispered to me and I cried and shook my head.

"What's wrong?" He asked rubbing my back.

I pulled away from our hug and wiped my tears with my hands and Luke handed me tissues.

"I miss my family. I love you guys and all but I just wish I had my mom and dad and brother back. I wish my sister didn't hate me. I never wanted them to die but it was all my fault." I said and Luke looked sad.

"Taylor it's okay to miss your family. It wasn't your fault the car accident happened. We are here for you and we know we can't replace your real family but we still want you to be in our family. You're our little sarcastic funny sister." Luke said and I laughed.

"I love you penguin." I said and he laughed and ruffled my hair.

"I love you too turtle. Now stop crying dinner is ready." He said and I quickly stood up but he stopped me before I got to the door.

"Sis I suggest you wash your face." He said and I turned around and walked to my bathroom as Luke went back downstairs.

I looked in the mirror to see my face red, my eyes puffy and my hair a mess.

I washed my face and put foundation on to hide the redness and brushed my hair out before walking downstairs.

I walked down and everyone was there and I sat down and started eating but stopped when Ashton told us news I didn't want to hear.

His. Girlfriend. Is. Pregnant.

A/N Sooooo what do you think? Lol until next time. I love you all! Byeeeeeeeee

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