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7 years later
Taylor's POV

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!" I hear as I feel my bed shaking.

"Yes Jess. I'm up." I said slowly sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Daddy is here!" My lovely daughter Jess yelled while still jumping on my bed.

"He's here already?" I asked looking at my 4 year old daughter who is still in her little blue night gown and her hair in a light brown wavy mess.

When I was 18 Alex and I had a baby girl on October 1st and her name is Jessica Elizabeth Johnson.

"Well we better get you ready to go." I said getting up and grabbing her.

Alex and I broke up a year after Jessica was born. It just didn't work out but that's okay.

"What do you want to wear today?" I asked her as we walked into her room. I put her down and she ran over to her closet.

"I want to wear my blue dress mommy!" She yelled excitedly and I laughed at my adorable baby. I went and grabbed the dress she wanted and when I turned around to put it on her I saw my boyfriend of 2 years. Nate.

"I see she already woke you." Nathan said and then went over and tickled Jess and she giggled like crazy.

"Mommy help!" She said between laughing.

"If you say so." I said and then I also started tickling her and she laughed harder.

We all stopped and I got her changed and did her hair into pig tails while Nate packed her a bag.

Jess started to run out of the room and down the stairs and I laughed and grabbed her favorite stuffed bunny while Nate grabbed her bag and we followed her downstairs to where Alex was waiting.

"Daddy!" She yelled and ran and hugged his legs. Alex smiled and picked her up and hugged her.

She then looked at me and stretched her arms out for me and I grabbed her.

"I love you mommy." She said and I smiled because I can't believe she's mine.

"I love you too. Very much." I said and gave her a kiss and put her down and she went over to Nate.

He smiled and hugged her and I heard them whisper I love you.

I handed Alex her bag and I bent down to give Jess her bunny and said bye and watched them leave for the weekend.

I turned to Nate. "I'm so excited." I said and he smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Me too." He said and with that he grabbed the keys and we went to the doctors to find out the gender of our baby.

"Congrats it's a boy!" My doctor said and Nate and I smiled at each other.

A/N so it's finally the end and I'm surprised by how many of you read and loved this book and sadly it's come to an end. If you want I may add some bonus chapters, so if you're interested let me know. I love you all! Byeeeee!

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