Chapter Nine

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Taylor's POV

*I skipped some days sorry*

"Taylor wake upppp!" Luke yelled and I slowly rolled over and opened my eyes.

"You need to get ready and pack your things." He said and I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about? " I asked before he walked away.

"Today is the last day and then we got to go to Canada for tour but my mum Liz is coming and you two are going back to Australia so you can start school. " Luke explained and my eyes went wide.

"Did you just say school? Also why didn't I know about this before?" I said freaking out.

"Taylor calm down. It will be alright." Luke said hugging me.

"I can't do this." I said still freaking out.

"Liz will be with you and she is a teacher at the school you are going to. You will be fine Tay." Luke said rubbing my back.

After awhile my breathing went back to normal and I finally calmed down.

Luke helped me pack everything and get ready.

I put on a red baseball tee and a pair of jean shorts with my red vans and red beanie.

"When will you guys be back?" I asked Luke once we zipped up my bag.

"In a month and a half." Luke responded and I just nod.

"Now what would you like to do since it's our last day and we are in California?" Luke asked and i looked up at him.

"Can we just walk around? " I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"You aren't going to make us stalk any people you happen to be obsessed with right?" Luke asked and I groaned.

"Why won't you guys understand I don't obsess or stalk people." I said and Luke laughed a little.

"Come on guys let's go!" I yelled and all the guys came and we left to walk around California.

"Can we go to that wax museum there?" I asked pointing to it and they said sure.

After taking funny pictures with wax people we went over to the Ripleys believe it or not museum which then led to Universal Studios then Disney Land.

By the time we left it was dark and we went to this fancy restaurant where we met Liz.

"Hey grandma Liz." I said and she smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Hello Taylor. I hope the boys have behaved during tour?" She asked and I smiled and nodded.

Then the boys greeted her and we all ordered something to eat after the waitresses finished fangirling.

"Taylor once we get back to Australia we need to get you your uniform and school supplies. " Liz informed me and I just nodded and started fidgeting with my hands.

"Are you alright dear?" Liz asked and I nodded and excused myself going to the restroom.

"Omg you're Taylor the girl 5sos adopted. " some girl in the restroom squealed greattt.

I turned to see this skinny girl who looks about 13 with bleach blonde hair, a mid thigh flowy light blue dress.

"Yes?" I asked not exactly sure how to deal in these situations.

"Would you mind taking a picture with me?" She asked and I smiled.

"Why not?" I asked and went over and took 4 selfies with her before she left.

After she left I calmed down and went back out to see my food there and everyone eating but I lost all appetite so I just sat down and started thinking about school.

Then I got a text and I secretly looked at my phone to see it's a text from Calum.

From Cal Ching Chong Hood

"You alright Taylor?"

I looked up and he was staring at me with concern but I just nodded and everyone finished and it was finally time to say goodbye to the boys before leaving with Liz.

Calum was the first to come up to me to say goodbye. He gave me a hug and whispered good luck in my ear before he backed away.

Then Luke came over and gave me a hug and told me everything will be fine before he walked back.

Mikey then came over and gave me a giant hug and promised they will be back before I know it and promised he was gonna dye my hair and that made me laugh a bit.

Then lastly Ashton came and told me good luck and not to worry.

Then we group hugged to say our last goodbye well for now at least. Then they went one way and Liz and I went the other. Here we go.....

A/N two updates in one day?! Lol I hope you like it I'll try to update tomorrow but no promises. Also for when Taylor and Liz are in Australia don't get mad at what ever I put I've been to Australia twice but only for three months both times I went and it's been a while so I don't remember every Australian details but I'm gonna try. Till next update I love you guys! Bye!

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