Meeting Old Friends Chapter 14.

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Kassie P.O.V

I woke up at 5:00am to get ready for work. Im so excited! After work im meeting three of my closes friends! I got dressed like i always do. A t shirt and skinny jeans with Converse. I grab my phone and ipod and stuffed them in my back pocket of my jeans.

I went to my first run of the day. 7D.

I knocked on the door and hear the high pitched and ear drum bursting i never wanted to hear ever again. I guess she moved rooms. "Come in" the she devil said. I took a breath and opened the door to the most messiest room in the world. And trust me i cleaned up after Louis once. Never go there again.

"Oh Kassie thank god i need someone to clean this mess before i come back and your perfect for it" Rosie said while putting on her lipstick. "And if i comeback and this mess it not clean i'll make sure you get fired" Rosie told me with that devilish smile. "Yes Sir" i said. "Sir now you want to get fired" She kinda Yelled at me. "No im sorry". "Whatever i must be off" She said and slammed the door shut behind her. "Must be off to Hell' I said in a whisper.

Ok how is this possible. Theres clothes everywhere. And old food to. Eww. Everytime i take a step and sink into the clothes and need to climb out. Im not kidding.

After 30 minutes of cleaning i barley cleared the corner. I got a text from Zayn.


Hey Wuu2!!! Xxx.


Just cleaning to messiest room on earth and yes worst then Louis! And if i done finish in time i will be fired :/


Oh! Sorry witch room id that? o_0


7D why?? o_0

No respond from Zayn?? What happed to him? I got back to cleaning this horriabe place. I saw a rotten slice of pizza, Ewww! I was going to throw it away but when i was walking toward it i got sucked up by a pile if dirty clothes. Im stuck! Great! What if i stay stuck and cant meet my friends! What if i had to live in this pile and live off of food i find in here.

I keep thinking of the bad things that might happen when i heard a voice. I cant really tell how it was cuz all the clothes im under made it impossible to hear. "Kass its Zayn are you here?" Zayn said. "Im Under this clothes!!!" I yelled. "Wow this is really dirty!" Zayn yelled so i can hear him.

"Yeah it pretty dirty and DONT FORGET, IM STUCK UNDER THESE BLOODY CLOTHES MALIK AND MIGHT LOSE OXEGEN!!!" I shouted . "Oh sorry" and with at i saw the light. (Celling of the cabin) "Thanks Zayn" i said in a warm smile. "Welcome" Zayn smiled back.

"Not mean to be rude or anything but why are you here?" I said to Zayn. "Well i saw your text of how dirty this room is so i can to help you" Zayn told me with a Smile. "Aww Zayn thanks buddy! And this isnt just any room its the she devil room a.k.a Rosie" i told him. "Oh really! Why do you guys hate each other" Zayn asked. "Oh well in the begging she hated me first and then i started disliking her" i said to him.

"Dislike?" Zayn asked

"Yeah i dont say Hate my dad said never use that word" i said with yet another smile

"Yeah about that Liam never told us about your family only that he had a sister" Zayn said. I froze.

"Umm well......because........umm" i nervesly said while playing with my hands.

"You can tell me Kass" Zayn said while looking in my brown eyes.

"Because we don't have a family" i finally said. "My mom died while giving birth to me and i barley made it, So i was me and my dad and Liam, when i was 10 and Liam was 12 we went to the park and My dad gave me money for the ice-cream man well i thought it was and the man tried to force me inside his van and then my dad saved me from the Man by fighting him but my dad didn't know he had a gun and the man shot my dad in the heart and he died in front of me and Liam. Then me and Liam stayed in Foster homes ever since until Liam turn 16 and was allowed to Leave and he took me and 2 years later here we are" i said with sadness. Zayn looked at me in shock.

"Kassie im really sorry that happened to you and Liam" Zayn said to me. And i can tell that he meant it.


About 5 hours later Zayn and i cleaned the until it was so clean it hurt our eyes. I got a message from Danny on Twitter.

Hey Kass! miss you so much!! Me and the girls are already at Starbuck!! Where u at!! lol xxx ~ Dan

Oh my god!! its late. I have to get going! but I just cant leave Zayn here.

Hi DannyBoo! lol I miss calling you at! anyway im going right now! do you guys mind if I bring a close friend?~ Kass <3

Go ahead!! More the better! Cant wait to meet him or her! but hurry! ~DannyBoo <3

"Zayn do you want to Meet my best friends?' I asked Zayn while He was on his Phone. "Yeah sure lets go"!        


Danny P.O.V

Im so happy me and the girls are going to see our best friend Kass! I cant stop think about her. Im scared to tell her my secret. Only Cay and Mel know it. Not even my parents.  But I don't have to tell her right away right. I cant wait until the perfect time!  Cay and Mel were Fangirling about the band Liam is in I think...Kassie told me....Oh One Direction! I was interrupted by Screaming witch was coming from Cay and Mel. "KASSIE!!!!!! WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cay screamed while Mel was hugging Kassie. I ran to Kassie and gave her a HUGE hug. I noticed a Guy next to Kassie. Are they dating? If they are he better treat her right. Not like her other boyfriends.

"Hi im Zayn Malik" Zayn said while he was shaking my hand. "Im Danny Ross" I said with a smile. "OH MY FLIPPING LORD ITS ZAYN MALIK!!!" Meli screamed! "Oh sorry just really happy!" Mel said. We sat in a table and started to talk about are life. Cay And Zayn never took their eyes off each other. "Why don't you guys take a picture of each other it will last longer!' Mel Told Cay and Zayn.


Kassie P.O.V

We agreed that we are totally going to have a movie night tomorrow! Cant wait for tomorrow!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks so much for the reads mofos!!!! Luv ya! i know i didnt update for a long time so sorrry! just school!! uhhh!! anyways love ya and comment and vote please!!

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