I Thought Wrong Chapter 4.

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I woke up and got ready for work. I got my ID and the my phone and that phone thing that my boss gave me and put it in my pocket. I walk out and did my first coffee run of the day. And while doing it I bumped into a really beautiful girl named Danielle. Shes so nice and works for The X Factor also. We have gotten to be good friends.

"Kassie, Rosie in 5D needs coffee ASAP". Oh god not that "Thing" again. "Come on Kassie its just a girl it will be over fast". I thought to myself. I walked to the coffee maker and put in a cup. In a minute it was done. I put one packet of sugar in it and left to the room. Knock Knock

"Hello Ms.Rosie i brought you your coffee." "Ok now clean my room." "Wow not even a thankyou". I whispered . "What". "Nothing". "And hurry my boyfriend is coming over." Wow im surprise she has a boyfriend. "Who's your boyfriend " i asked. "Ohh you know Harry Styles he's my boyfriend". That broke my heart. How can someone so nice be dating a total brat. I thought he was those nice guys and tell you everything even if they had a GIRLFRIEND!!

And it also made me mad . How can he do this to me. And i really thought he like me back. "Knock,knock". Rosie ran to the door and yelled "Harry i missed you". I ran into her kitchen and hid there. "Harry do you want anything to drink?". "Um can i have some jucie". " Kassie jucie now".


"Kassie jucie now". As soon as i heard the name Kassie my head shot up. Please i hope she's not mad. I came to Rosie's cabin to break up with her and ask Kassie out. She comes out of the kitchen holding two glass of apple Jucie . "Um here you go". Her shy vocie said. Rosie drank some and spit it out all most like a spit tic. " What is this its so nasty"! She yelled at Kassie's face. Kassie looked scared.

"Its Apple Jucie" she said. "Well its so nasty do it again". "Well i like it alot". I said while looking into Kassie's eyes. She didnt look at me once. She knows. 

Rosie looked at me weirdly like i shouldn't like it. "Whatever i need to get change me and Harry are going out for dinner so clean this place up i'll be right back". She said and ran off to her room. Kassie started to clean up the mess. "This is my chance to explain to her why i was here" i thought.

"Kassie can we talk?"

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