I forgive you Chapter 6.

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"Thanks Danielle". I said hugging her. "Your welcome love,Now go get your man". She said with a big smile. "I will'. I got up and hugged her again. She's the best person I ever meet. I will even consider her as my bestfriend. I ran out of the break room to look for Harry and tell him I forgive him. I ran threw the whole building. Where is he?


I walked out of Rosie's room and went to look for Kassie and ask her for my forgiveness. I looked every where for her. I just cant find her. I went to go look for her in her cabin again when I bumped into the most beautiful girl I ever seen in my life. Its Kassie.


I bumped into the perfect guy Harry. "Kassie i'm -" I cut him off with a kiss on his cheak and said "I forgive you". He looked shocked. I smiled and he smiled back. "Thank you I promise I will never do anything to hurt you again". We walked around The X-Factor building talking and got to know each other pretty well. While walking I got a text from Liam.

From Liam:Hey where are you I was looking for you i'm waiting in your cabin we will talk when you get here-Liam XXX

Oh yeah I forgot Liam always checks on me to see if i'm safe. Liam is so protected over me. "Harry I really need to go to my cabin like now Liam is freaking out over where I am" I said to harry. "Ok i'll walk you to your cabin". We walked to my cabin when we got there I turn to face Harry and said "Thank you for walking me to my cabin" "No problem but umm Kassie I wanted to ask you umm if you would umm like to go on a umm date with me?" He asked nervously. I have to say he looks cute when he's nervous.

' I would love to" "Great i'll pick you up at 9:00pm tomorrow". "Ok" I pecked his lips and walked inside my cabin and saw Liam sitting on the couch watching tv but keep looking at his phone to see if I texted him back. He looked up and saw me. "Kassie where were you I was getting worried". 'I'm sorry Liam I was with Dani" I know I lied to Liam but if I told him I was with Harry he would Kill Harry. "Oh ok you should have told me or texted me'. "I know i'm sorry". I always wandered why Liam face always lit up when he hears Danielle's name. Does Liam have a crush on Dani? "Liam do you like Danielle as more as a friend?" I asked with my eyesbrow's rised. " No why did she ask?" Liam said faster than I can blink. "I mean no why?" Liam said. "Just asking". Liam finally left. my phone buzzed its a text from Harry.

From Harry: Good night beautiful <3 See you tomorrow ;D - Harry XXX

I texted back and fell into a deep sleep





The lucky girl (Harry styles fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें