Last Cuts? Chapter 9.

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Kassie P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 6:00am. I got up and took a shower and got dressed. Just some random Tshirt and skinny jeans. Uhh! Monday. How doesn't hate Mondays right? Any way today is also the Final Cuts to past on to the next Round. Im not worried for Liam or Harry. They both have awesome vocies.

I put my ID in my back pocket as well as my ipod and my Phone. Yes i have both but i always wanted a Iphone but Me and Liam never had extra money. We had to pay the bills. But now we are living in The X Factor stoudio. I put the buzzer thing cliped to my Pants.

I walked out the door to make my first run. This time was the busy. The contestens are very nervous for their prefromce. So they need Coffee. I made my way to room 4A. I knocked on the door and a two guys opened the door. One of them had deep brown eyes, tan skin and really nice hair. But i love Harrys eyes and hair way more. And the other had ocean  Blue eyes and Blond hair.

"Hello love My name is Zayn Malik and this is Niall my room mate." "Hello" Niall said. He sounded Irish. "is that our coffee?" Niall asked. "Yes it is and my name is Kassie". I said while giving then their coffee. "Thanks love i geuss ill see you around because im going to need more of these" Zayn said while pointing at the coffee. I luaghed. "Ok see you around" then i walked off. There both really nice. Maybe we can become Friends.

After a alot of runs i finally had a break. I went to my room and grabed my Guitar and started to play. After 20 minutes. I walked to my Cabin to to put my guitar away. While i was walking to my cabin i bumped into a familar guy. "Why do we always have to bump into each other Harry?" I asked Harry. "Cuz you cant keep away from this hunk of man chocolate." He answered. "You wish" i told him. "Well that hurt." He acted like he was Hurt. "Well i have a job so see you later."

5 hours later*

Finally done with work. I walked to my cabin and opened my door and i saw Liam waiting for me. "Hey Kassie i just wanted to say Wish me luck before i go on stage." "Good Luck Liam" and that reminds me i have to wish Harry good luck also. "Ok im off". He kissed my forehead and left. After he left i walked to Harrys cabin.

Knock knock*

"Hi im Louis im Harrys room mate you must be Kassie." "Yes i am is Harry here" i said. "No he went somewhere a while ago he will come back any minute". "Oh ok ill come back later". I was about to leave when Louis stoped me. "Dont be silly come in". "Umm ok". We sat on the couch and talk for a while. "So Hazza was like you cant eat that much carrots and i was like watch me and like in one minute the while bowl of carrots were in my tummy." Louis said. "Omg Louis you love carrots" i luagh while saying it.

We heard the door open and saw Harry. "Hey Boobear, Hey Kassie" and he walked off into his room. "3,2,1," Louis counted. "WAIT KASSIE." Harry ran out of his room and can where me and Louis were. "Relax Hazza i was talking to Louis" i said with a luagh cuz i called him Hazza. Harry looked at Louis. " You told her my nickname." "Come down Hazza i love the sound of that name.'" I said. "Well call me that whenever you want." Harry said while wrapping his arms around me.

20 minutes later*

"Ok well goodluck you two" i said to Harry and Louis before they walked off. I went back to my cabin and started to make dinner while the Tv was on and i was watching the X Factor. I put the Chicken in the over and and sat down watch tv. Liam and Harry did awesome.

"Ok when you hear your name you made it to the next round'. Finally the moment of truth.

Beep beep beep*

Oh no the chicken. I ran to the kitcken and pulled the chicken out of the over. I place it on the conter to cool off. I ran to the couch and saw the most awful thing.

"Im very sorry but you all are going home"

Liam and Harry and Niall or Louis or even Zayn didnt make it. I broke down into tears.


Hello my awesome and beautiful readers :) Sorry for the mistakes:(

Well hope you like :) ill try to update everyday. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!! <3 :="">

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