A date Chapter 8.

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I woke up with a huge smile on my face. Today i have a date with the most coolest guy in the world Harry. Its Saturday so i don't work thats good. I didn't bother taking a shower i can take one when i get ready for my date. I love saying that. Harry Styles my date. I feel something inside me when i look at Harry. Something more when i used to look at my ex Jake. Me and Jake started dating when me and Liam was in Foster homes witch was when i was 14 and Liam was 16.

Jake was a friend of Liam at the Foster home. Thats how me and Jake met. Liam was ok with us dating because he trusted Jake. Hear that word TRUSTED past tense. Your wondering how did we brake up well ill tell you. Me and Jake sneak out of the foster home and and went to our special tree. We sat under that tree and talked out everything. He lean in and kissed me but not like normal it was really ruff. Hes hands were about to cup my bum than i stopped him and said "We should get back". He nodded. Once we were inside we went to my room and laid on the bed spooning than he began to touch me. I told him to stop but he didn't listen. I yelled for Liam. Liam came from his room and saw what was happening and grabed Jake off of me and puched him in the face so hard that i couldn't look. The guy i loved only wanted to get with me. Jake pushes Liam off of him and walks the door and says to me. " I will get with you Kassie if its the last thing i do". Than i never saw him again. But i still live in fear.

2 weeks later i began to self harm. I made the pain go away. Liam helped me to stop by making me sing and play music. Finally i stop.

Anyway i was sitting on the couch watching Last weeks performeces. Liam did really good as did Harry. To my understandings Monday they will pick whos moving on. I'm not worried i know that Liam and Harry are going to do fine. After that i got bored and grabed my guitar and song book witch i write random lyrics and hopefuly put some together and write a song. I let the music fill the room. (Song: what makes you beautiful by One Direction) 

" baby you light up my world like nobady else". After a while i finshed that sang. "Thats what makes you beautiful". Im done i finally finshed the song. I'm really shy the only people how ever heard me sing was Liam and Harry.

I while later i got a text back Harry.

Harry- Only 20 minutes left for the best date of your life ;) Xxx

Omg it takes longer to write a sing than i thought. I better go get ready. I ran to the shower. After i showered i did my hair i dried it and let it loose. I put some white skinny jeans on and A shirt that sayd NERD. How can i forget my converse. I wait for Harry and the doorbell rang. I looked at my watch and it was 9:00pm. Right on time. I opened the door and i saw the hottest guy on Earth. "You look beautiful as always" he said. I slapped myself and came back to Earth.

"You dont loom bad yourself". He took me to the park. Even though i was dark i looked beautiful. When we got there i saw Candles on the ground and a blanket to. "Harru this is so sweet" . "So you like it?" He asked. "No i love it!" We laid on the blanket staring at the starts. "There beautiful" i said in amazment. "There are but not as Beautiful as the girl in laying next to." "Aww flirting arn't we Styles". He blushed. He lookes so cute when i make him blush. Wait i make Harry Styles blush. He leaned in as so did it. Our lips touched together and moved swifty.

After a while it was getting late. Harry took me back my cabin. "So Kassie i would love to do this again" 

"Me too Harry". So how about Tuseday?" He asked me. "I would love too". We kissed goodnight and i walked inside my cabin.

I went to bed with once again a smile.


Hello my beautiful readers :) please follow my friends @caitlynwarren and @ melidirectioner @beaniecait and read there stories!!!  please!

Hope you like it! Sorry the last chapter was a filler but thank you! 

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