Valentine's Special Part 1: Breakfast

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I know author's notes are annoying but please read this.

This is the clean version ... at least for now it is. Since I don't want to put a maturity rating on the entire book, I will label dirty chapters as what it is. Of course when I say 'dirty' I don't mean slight nudity. I mean very very  'dirty'. 

You've been warned. So please don't get on my case and have my story reported or blocked or whatever it is that Wattpad uses. 

I work based off mutual trust : you trust me to correctly label the chapters, and I trust those of you who gets offended or who are underaged ( Yes I'm talking to you. Yes. Not the kid next to you. You know you shouldn't read that stuff.) to make good decisions/display some self control and not read it - at least not get caught reading it. If this book gets reported, I'll be forced to place a mature content setting on the whole thing, and that means some (if not a fare few) of you won't get to read any of it, not just the dirty bits.

Bottom line, don't do stuff you shouldn't

Enjoy <3


"Ahn!"  I twisted and writhed.

"Hahaha, no, stop! That tickles!"  Panting hard, I flipped onto my tummy and tried to crawl away. Only to have them jump on top of me.

"Don't. Not there." It was too much.

" Stop. Please. Ha. Don't lick me anymore!" I was laughing too much.

"... (y/n)-chan ..."

"He-hey!" They aren't listening to me at all.

"(y/n)-chaaaan ..." Someone's whispering my name.

"St-stop. No." I'm going to pass out. I need to breathe.

"(Y/N) !!!"

"NOOOooohh  ~  huh ??"

I bolted straight up right from the sheets, dripping with cold sweat. I was gasping like an almost drowned cat, heart pounding like crazy and gulping down air like there was no tomorrow. I could still feel their little paws stepping on me, fur tickling my skin. Again, I shuddered.


"... dogs. So many dogs ..." I mumbled incoherently, staring down at my hands in the crumpled sheets in front of me.

"(y- y/n)-chan?" a gentle hand shook me by the shoulders. I looked up to Nanami with empty eyes that were still seeing the flurry of a hoard of energetic puppies.

" ... they were... everywhere ..."

Nanami stared at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?" She laid her hand against my forehead. "You're not hallucinating are you? Do you feel sick? Too warm? Did you stay up late again? Can goddesses get sick? Have you been sick before? How do you feel - "

"Who's sick?" yelled Tomoe from the doorway, as he backed through the door with a tray laden with food into my room, cutting Nanami's string of questions short. Striding through the room with steady steps, he set the tray down in front of me. As my head started to clear from the chaos and panic of my dream, I wondered what the occasion was, that Tomoe would bring breakfast to me before I'm even up out of bed.

"(Y/n)-chan! She sprung up like a woman possessed and started mumbling random things about dogs and she's not looking at me properly and she's - mmnmgfff!!"

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