Chapter 7: Unconscious

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Straight into the story...




Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. I think she just died. Oh nonononononono THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! There's blood everywhere! Ahhhhhh I can't look.




Red. That's all I see. Some of it is (y/n) blood. Most is just my anger. That stupid girl, why didn't she let me save her?! That old motherfucking HAG!! I will rip her apart. I don't know why I'm so angry, I don't even know (y/n) that well. But I feel anger, and hurt, and sadness. But mostly anger.

My body moved on its own. Leaping down from the tree, I landed next to (y/n)'s limp body. The witch was still working away at her. I tore her off my goddess's body.

(Reika: Tomoe's actions here are too graphic to describe, but just imagine the most gruesome way something could die. That's probably how Tomoe 'disposed' of the witch)

I didn't know how long it was before I looked back at (y/n). It could've been a second and it could've been a century. What was left of the hag was burnt to ashes. Rushing back to her side, my heart ached. She looked so small, so fragile, just like a tiny, broken doll. The slight rise and fall of her chest made my own flutter. I needed to save her.

Gathering her in my arms, I did what I never thought I'd do. I bound myself to her. Her familiar.

I kissed her.




Finally getting down from the tree, I ran over to where Tomoe was cradling (y/n) in his arms. His head was bend and a golden glow surrounded them, and even from far away, I could feel warmth radiating from them. Remembering how much blood there was, and how broken (y/n) looked on the ground, I rushed over to them.

Seeing Tomoe make out with an unconscious and bleeding (y/n), however, had me stop dead in my tracks. And that wasn't the weirdest part. As I watched, (y/n)'s various wounds - and there were alot - started to heal, and the bleeding stopped. The chunk on her leg that was missing was filling out, and her collapsed ribs were mending themselves.

Tomoe broke the kiss, and the golden glow faded. (y/n)'s incredibly fast healing process also stopped, but she didn't look like she was going to die anymore. Her cheeks were pale, but they weren't grey, and at least now she was breathing. I stared at Tomoe, stunned.

"How did you do that?"

"It's a perk of the familiar contract. I can give her my power, and she can give me hers. By giving her excess power, she can heal quicker."

"So you did it to save her? Even though you didn't want to be a familiar?"

"Ye-yeah. So what."

I just stared at him. My view of him definitely changed. I 'awwed' so hard on the inside.

"She's still weak though, so we better get her home."

Smiling at his caring side, I leaned in and hugged him.

"HEY! Be careful! I'm carrying her! Just because she's not dying doesn't mean she's not hurt!"

Laughing at how much he's worrying for this, I walked next to him as the shrine spirits walked along side us.

"Hey, Tomoe?"


"Will you give me a piggy back?"

"Are you stupid?!?"


HEHEHE End of episode one!! FINALLY. Look forward the life of them all living together!!

btw, I'm going to be mainly following the manga's story line

Reika: Not that it makes much of a difference since you've changed so much of it.

Author: NOT TRUE!! I kept all the important details!

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Love you guys,

I'm writing this at like 3 in the morning, so I'm really tired. please don't judge.

'Night everyone.

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