Chapter 15: De ja vu

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I watched Kotetsu and Onikiri wrestle with the tree as they struggled to fit it through the veranda door. Nanami had insisted that they replant the tree in the yard. Somehow, its ancient roots stayed confined to the tiny wooden basin, making it look as if the tree grew from nowhere, the trunk and branches overflowing from its roots. 

Absentmindedly, I wondered whether I would make sakura mochi later on. It's been a long time since I've eaten, and an even longer time since I've cooked, several decades at least. When I'd first changed, not eating felt strange and uncomfortable, but as time went on, it just became more convenient. I wondered if I still remembered how to make mochi, the way my mother taught me.

A gust of wind blew past the open doors and the spirits, bringing with it a single flower, perfectly formed and sun-kissed to the softest pink. My heart suddenly swelled with emotion, so much so that it knocked the breath from my chest. The past swam before me in a flurry. Memories of picking baskets of blossoms with my mother before she got ill, of holding tight onto the wooden ladder, shaking as I got to the top, of climbing up on her shoulders to reach the highest of flowers, and laughing as I'd throw petals into the air, just to have them rain down on me, filled my vision.


"Mother look! Look at this one!" I shouted, running towards mother as fast as I could, trying hard not to stumble, lest I drop the delicate flower I held.

"It still has dew drops on it, look! It's so clear. Doesn't it look like ice, mother?"

"So it does." Mother chuckled warmly, shifting the basket to her other hip.

"Did you see the dew fairy?"

"Dew fairy? Who's that?"

"She's the one that goes to the leaves and flowers each morning to place the dew drops. The dew drops that she gives are the clearest and brightest, and tastes fresh and sweet, just like wildflower honey."

"Really?" I peered at the flower in my hands.

"Really. Why don't you try?"

I peered at the flower some more, finally deciding to give it a go.

"Not the whole flower, silly." Mother laughed, her eyes crinkling up.

"I don't tashte anyshing." I frowned, tiny brows furrowing together, trying to speak around the flower in my mouth.

"That's because only the dew tastes like honey." Mother smiled warmly as she took my hand. I took the flower from my mouth and dropped it to the ground.

"Fairy's dew is an essential ingredient of many potions and medicines. It has purifying properties and can cleanse the body of miasma, aid the balance of chi, and can brighten the eyes and strengthen the heart. Not to mention it helps little girls like you grow up big and pretty."

"I am big! I'm almost three now." I protested.

"Well, you will always be mommy's little baby." Mother laughed again, and lifted me up onto her other hip.

"Now, do you want to learn how to make sakura sake?"


I reached up, cupping the delicate flower in my hands. A single dew drop glistened on one petal. I stared at it intently, my heart overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of emotions. Why do I suddenly miss mother? Why now? A drop of something fell into my hands, splashing onto the petal, and the dew disappeared. More drops followed, and I felt the wetness on my cheeks. 

Drawing in a shallow breath, I wiped my fingers across my eyes, only to find them drenched with tears. I stared at the tears, unable to comprehend why I would cry, yet unable to stop.


My head jerked up at Tomoe's voice, startling me. He was looking down at me softly, and if I hadn't known better, I would have thought his expression looked tender. 

I felt vulnerable, sitting at his feet with tears and emotions umasked in my eyes. Turning away from him, I clucked my tongue, angry at him for seeing me cry and not leaving, and angry at myself for crying in the first place. I bit my lips hard, trying to stop the tears.

I saw it all. Please don't hide it from me.

I whipped my head around to face him, shock entering in to the huge bubbling vat of feelings inside me.

His violet gaze was steady.

I frowned at him, distrust colouring the words in my head.

What do you want.

To comfort you.

To pity me.

To console you.

I paused.

Why are you doing this. 

I looked at his face, searching his eyes for a sign of mockery.

He was silent for a long while.

I don't know.

I stared, incredulous. I couldn't believe I was almost going to trust him, that I believed he was honest to god caring for me. I should've just made him leave me alone. I could do that now.

But I know you're hurting.

He interrupted me, just as I was about to order him away.

Please (y/n). I won't hurt you. I promise.

He kneeled down before me and held out his hands, palms up. And for some reason, something in me shifted.

It was as if this scene had happened once before, like in a dream. And in that dream, everything was alright.

In the back of my mind, I thought to myself that just this one time, it doesn't count.

And I fell into his arms, and sobbed my heart out.

The late morning sun filtered through the tree's branches, basking the room with warmth and light, and the sweet, lingering scent of sakura.      


Sorry for so many slow chapters recently. My brain isn't giving me anything good lately. Must be the lazy bug from a 3 month long holiday :P

But hey! I will do a valentines special, so y'all've got something to look forward to ;)

I might even make a nsfw chapter special. tell me what you think in the comments.

Soppy romance   Vs  a very naughty scene.

neither will have anything to do with the story, so throw all your suggestions at me

love you all, see you soon

kisses for all <3

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