Chapter 6: What's a kiss?

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Ciao bella! Missed me? hehe ... no hints, what so ever. Just read.


Nanami - Oba san's home (the WITCH'S DEN?!?)


"~ ara, thank you girls very much. It must've been very difficult, having to carry me and that package all the way up here. I'm so sorry to have you bring me all the way to my home."

"No problem at all, we're happy to help!"

I put the granny down just inside her doorstep. We were in the really really REEAAALLY dense and scary part of the woods. I had no idea someone even lived here! (y/n) had been really quiet all the way up here, and she looks really uncomfortable. I can't imagine why though. Though the house was a bit far away from everything, it was really cosy, with squishy tatami floors and bamboos outside the window. Maybe she's just tired.

"~ I can't possibly send you girls off into woods this late at night. Come in, and you can stay here until morning. ~" The little granny offered. Aww!! I wish I knew my grandma! I'm sure she'd have been like this, all tiny, and wrinkled and kind! Following the granny into the house, I was jerked out of my daydream by a tug on my sleeves. Looking back to (y/n), I saw her put the parcel down and mention for me to come closer. "What is it (y/n)? Something wrong?" I asked. She looked alarmed at my loud tone, quickly looking around her as if she expected ghosts to jump out of the walls. Leaning around me, she looked down the corridor, before suddenly putting on a huge smile and dragged me along. I saw that the sweet granny was waiting for us to catch up. Figuring that (y/n) was over whatever she was weirded out by, I followed happily, glad we had somewhere to sleep tonight.


"~ I'll leave some clothes for you girls here to change into. Feel free to take a bath. ~" and with that, granny closed the thin doors of the room. (Reika: they're in a traditional japanese house, that's why there are tatamis (padded floors) and paper doors, incase you were wondering) Leaning back into the futon, I stretched and sighed in content.

"Ara? (y/n)-chan, What's wrong?"

"Shh." Well, rude much. But honestly, what was wrong with her? From the moment we met that granny, (y/n) been silent, she's been tense the entire time, and she looks like she's about to be murdered or something, judging by her face. Crawling up to her, I whispered softly, to avoid her shushing me again.

"So (y/n), what's wrong?"

"Everything about this place. I feel ... uneasy." Seriously, she was so quiet I could barely hear her. I frowned, not really understanding.

"What do you mean?"

"There is something ... off ... about that woman. She's not ... normal. Not human." She suddenly stood up and walked in a weird little skip to the corner of the room, and placed her ear against the walls. I watched her, still completely baffled by her actions. Suddenly, she clicked her fingers, and the flame on the candle went out, leaving us in only the light of the moon. The darkness is kinda creeping me out, but I kept my mouth shut . Then I heard creaks outside our room, and saw a shadow with what sounded like footsteps shuffling away. I realised now that (y/n) was hiding in the shadows, where her silhouette wouldn't be seen from the other side of the door. I still didn't completely get what was going on, but I felt chills down my back none the less.

The window of the room suddenly rattled and burst open, and a dark figure appeared in front of it. 

"AH - mnhph!" Before the scream even managed to leave my throat, (y/n) slammed her hand against my mouth, blocking off my air supply. A *creeaaakk of the floor boards from the other side of the door followed by the flickering light of a candle made my heart stop. In a whirlwind of movements, (y/n) leapt to her feet, ran to the window and opened it wide, throwing the just arrived Onikiri back out there. She turned to me, and quickly motioned for me to get out too. Her eyes seem to widen, and the silver one flashed gold, but I wasn't sure, because when I blinked, her expression was blank like before. Having absolutely no idea what the hell was going on, but scared out of my mind, I hurried over to the window. Pulling me close, (y/n) whispered into my ear.

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