Chapter 13: the smell of sakura

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"... make you suitable for someone as great as me ..."

I shifted once again within my little nest of cushions, careful to keep the weight off my injured calf. The strangely gentle Tomoe that caught me by the door disappeared the moment we entered the hall, switching back to the arrogant fox that I'd become used to. He's been blathering on about his own self-importance for a good while now, and I've noticed Nanami already on more than one occasion, nodding off before shaking herself awake. I stifled a yawn myself, making half an attempt to cover it up with my hands. Tomoe seems to notice nothing though, as he continued to pace around the room, fluttering his fan.

Nanami's head drooped again as Tomoe circled the room for the sixteenth time. I sighed. Reaching out, and wincing slightly when I felt the stitches in my back pull, I gently shook Nanami's shoulder.

"Wha ~ " Nanami gasped out loud. Her head snapped up, and she glanced about the room as if totally unaware of her surroundings. Eyes landing on Tomoe, she heaved a stifled groan, before settling down again, swaying slightly in her fight against the sleepiness.


I could physically see the hackles on Nanami's neck rise when Tomoe suddenly appeared in front of her face. The sleep left her completely as she gave a startled shriek, spun and jumped into my arms, burying her face in my side. Awkwardly, I chuckled, and lightly patted her head, wincing from the jostle she gave my ribs. Throwing his hands up in the air, Tomoe walked away towards the other side of the room.

" ... me. ME! The great and mighty Tomoe-sama! Whom even the gods feared! Is being made to bend to the will of a stupid, useless, powerless, human child ! What humiliation..." He mumbled ominously, throwing dirty looks at Nanami all the while.

Turning to face us, he straightened his stance and snapped open his fan. Tall and proud, he stood there. Suddenly, I saw him, standing instead of in his familial uniform, in a dark flamed kimono along with flowing silver hair. My heart thumped painfully, and the room seemed to fade away. Deeply, he bowed.

"As of today, I shall stay forever by your side. Your words shall become my commands, and anything you order, I shall obey without hesitation. I will become your sword and your shield ... As of today, we are one ..."

As the last of his words rang in my ear, he looked up.

And his violet gaze pierced my soul.


Trembling and gasping like I had been trapped underwater, I snapped my gaze all around me, unable to focus. The room was just as it should be, and the dust moats fluttered about in the sunlight, disturbed by me haggard breaths. Nanami stared at my curiously, as did Tomoe. He still standing there in front of me, hair short and clad in his familial uniform. All was as it should be.

So what was that?

Deeply shaken, but not wanting to show my anxiousness, I dragged in a deep, stabilizing breath.

"'Tis nothing." I smiled. "I simply slipped off into a daydream."

Nanami was satisfied, turning her attention back to Tomoe, however his gaze lingered on me just a moment too long. Enough to let me know that he wasn't fooled. I'll need to evade his curiosity after this.

"As of today," Tomoe began, and his words overlapped with the words he uttered in my vision.

"I am your familiar. I, Tomoe, shall obey your orders without hesitation, regardless of what they may be. Should you be in need of anything, I humbly ask that you come to me."

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