Chapter 3: Friendship Blossoming

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Hi there guys and gals :D I know you probably came here for the story but I found this cute little quiz online and thought I'd share it

Kyyaaa >.< Tomeo fell in love with me !!! (says the quiz)

Okay so the next bit is for people who don't have a name for their main character. If you do, just skip to the next paragraph.

Now this was something that I always got really annoyed over in these reader X character books. They leave the name blank and I don't like using my own name cuz it sounds weird with everyone else having Japanese names. So I like to think of a Japanese name because it sounds better, but then I can't be bothered and I just get really frustrated and leave the name blank. I don't know if anyone else has the same problem, but if you do, I've decided that I will name my girl Reika Izumi - Reika, which means lovely petals, as in flower petals, and Izumi, as in spring (like 'water' spring). Feel free to use it if you cbs coming up with your own name :) we shall see how this turns out *shifty eye movements


Also, very sorry for the slow progression of this book. I know, I know, I've only gotten up to like mid ep 1. But I promise I haven't been lazy, I've been writing this every free minute I've got (mostly stealing from sleepy time :P). For those out there who hasn't seen Kamisama Kiss, I totally recommend it. It would also help the story make more sense (but probably not by much), and it's also just really good entertainment. Watch it.

Tehe ;P

Onwards with le conte. (it's just french for 'the story')


"HHUUHH?! Youkai hun'ing? Wha' euu oou mean? Like akually going ou' an' killing youkai? For uo theathon?" (youkai hunting? what do you mean? like actually going out and killing youkai? for no reason?) Nanami sat across from me wrapped in her futon, making her look like a little snowman.

"No, no. Not for no reason, of course not. I suppose it's not actually correct in saying that I went Youkai hunting. It was more ... eliminating specific youkais that have become especially malicious. Of course, if I happen to come across those who are threatening humans, then they too, I will kill." I decided to only tell her about the more, justifiable and 'clean', part of my past.

I sat on my futon, facing Nanami. My hair was still slightly damp from the bath we'd taken earlier, and I was in the process of plaiting it. The little boy spirit had brought in some tea, and Nanami had scalded her tongue after drinking too quickly.

"Ah! (y/n) -sama, could it be, that you are the one they call 'Shiro Okami' (White Wolf)?" The little girl spirit suddenly looked to me and asked.

"Eh? Well, I think I have been called that before, by some of the youkai. Why do you ask?"

"(y/n)-sama is actually quite famous in the youkai world. Many youkai have heard of the mysterious woman who's speed and accuracy in swordplay and archery are unmatched. Legends said that she is a beautiful woman who can take on the form of a silver wolf, who always carried a white katana, that's why she's called the White Wolf. They say she simply appeared one night and took out hundreds of youkai who'd been raiding a village in the mountains. Many powerful youkai had met their downfall in a fight with her. No one knows what she looks like, for the only moment she's close enough for you to see her face, is when her weapon is at your throat. No youkai has ever laid eyes on her and lived to tell the tale. Even humans knew of her. Often, villagers of small secluded villages would pray to her for protection against youkai, and sometimes, her blessing was prayed for over marriages and large events, even though she was not originally thought to be a god."




The little boy spirit explained about the White Wolf. I listened transfixed. Even after he finished explaining, all I could do was sit and stare open mouthed at (y/n)-chan, who was blushing like crazy. Damn. Why do some people look so good blushing? I look like I'm about to explode or suffocate when I blush, it's like my face tries to make itself as red as possible.

"Most of that story is exaggerated. I'm not quite as skilled as they say, neither am I a beauty. It's the first time I've heard of myself being so highly praised."

"That's not true! (y/n)-chan is one of the prettiest people I've ever seen! It's amazing that I got to meet you in person!" Ahhh, I've made her more embarrassed! I blurted out without thinking again, stupid me!

"nhmh," (y/n) shook her head, still blushing, "Momozono-san is amazing too. When I first saw you, I didn't think there was anything special about you ..."

Ouch, to hear that from such a perfect person somehow hurts more than I thought it would.

"... but Momozono-san is very open and kind. You are so friendly and easy to get along with. I have always wished as a child that I could have been someone like you." Oh my gosh. Her sincere eyes are so cute!! How could someone this adorable even exist!!!

"OOHH! (y/nickname)-chan you <3! You're soo CUTE!!" I leapt at her, futon cover and all, giving her a good ol' bear hug.

"Eh, ehh!? M-Momozono-san?! What are you doing?"

"Giving you a hug. Hm? What's wrong?" I looked at her, even redder than before. I never noticed how long her lashes were. They were really thick too. I bet she could be a model if she wanted.

"W-well, I'm not familiar with such ... intimate ... physical contact." She looked up at me from beneath her lashes. She looked like a lost puppy >.<! <3 If I were a guy, I would've fallen in love with her.

"Oh, well, nowadays, hugs between girls are a common place thing. So come on, you try too."

"Um, li-like this?" She put her arms tentatively around me.

"Yup, now squeeze! Congratulations, you've just learnt to hug!" I said to her with a big smile on my face.

"Thank you very much, Momozono-san. Even though I've been alive for so much longer than you, I still needed your help for something so trivial."

Okay, I know she didn't mean it in a bad way. I'll just take the compliment. She's so proper all the time. I sat back on my heels.

"No problem, I'll help you out all you need. By the way (y/nickname)-chan, you can call me Nanami, so can I keep calling you (y/nickname)-chan? You don't mind do you. If you want I can still call you (y/n)-san or even (y/last name)-san ..."

"No, I don't mind you calling me (y/nickname)-chan, Nanami ... chan?"

"Mmh! Call me Nanami-chan. I can tell we're going to be great friends!"

"Ok, well then, I will be in your care, Nanami-chan."

The two spirit children had cleared the tea away. I gave a huge yawn. (y/n) giggled.

"Perhaps it's time we went to bed. Nanami-chan, my first friend, good night."

"Good night, (y/nickname)-chan."


GUYS!!! I'm so sorry this chapter is so short and boring >.<" I promise to start on the next bit right away!!!

I've taken out all the main character's name because peeps preferred having their own name, so Reika Izumi can just be an inspiration. Actually, she can just be me. So from now on, the author is Reika Izumi! *Mwhahahahaha!!!

Vote, follow, comment down below for any plot suggestions or improvement or even just to say hi 'kay? ;)

Also, feel free to write down anything other fanfics you'd like me to write. Just hit me with a message and I'll do my best!

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