Chapter 10 : Accident?

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Salve omnes!! GUYS! I'm sosososososososososososo SO sorry for not being able to post sooner. Because of our school production, I've basically been spending the past 2 and a bit weeks in our theatre tech booth till midnight everyday, BUT! The production ends in another week or so, so I promise to get back to writing asap.

*also I didn't want to make people vomit, so I didn't put up the picture of the third degree burn I used as a reference for (y/n) burn wound.

and now ...



Nanami : the next morning - the shrine


"NNhhhhh ~ " I sighed contently and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the bright sunlight streaming in through the window. Pulling my futon over my head, I wrapped myself in the warm, silky cocoon, not yet registering the fact that it was no longer the same, cheap cotton from the night before. Rolling onto my stomach, I stretched out my hands and feet, opening one of my eyes a tiny bit to peep through my lashes. Ara?? My eyes snapped open. Sitting up in my futon, I looked around the unfamiliar room in wonder. Whipping my head left and right, I tired to figure out where I was. 

I'm, pretty sure I stayed at a run down, dilapidated house that was falling apart but ... ??

Hearing the soft pitter patter of little feet, I looked round towards the door to see Onikiri and Kotetsu trotting into the room.

"Nanami-sama! Good morning!" 

"Ah, good morning to you too. Umm, Onikiri-kun, Kotetsu-kun... umm where exactly am I?"

"It's the inner sanctuary of the shrine. You're in (y/n)-sama's room, Nanami - sama."

"Eh? But it didn't look like this before ... WAIT! (y/n)!!! WHERE IS SHE?! HOW IS SHE?! IS SHE -"

"SHUT YA BIG FLAP ALREADY!" The door to the room suddenly burst open again, having been kicked open by a shirtless Tomoe. He carried a big wooden basin of green water and a stack of fluffy towels, the water sloshing with each step, dripping onto his amazing, chiseled, glorious .... OH GOD! STOP! This is that annoying Tomoe!! Why am I even finding his fantastic, defined ... ok no. I do not find him attractive. I do not find him attractive. I DO NOT FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE!

During my silent battle with my uncooperative mind, Tomoe had walked past my futon to an area near the windows enclosed by thin drapes, almost like a four poster bed - just without the bed. I didn't even notice it before. A gust of early morning breeze blew through the windows, making the drapes flutter open. Inside, I caught a glimpse of (y/n), her dark hair spilled across the pillows, blood-soaked bandages peeking out of the top of the futon. My heart suddenly felt like it weighed a thousand pounds as I remembered how hurt she was. Last night, when Tomoe carried her into the shrine, she looked so tiny and broken, covered in dirt and blood, some of the deeper wounds still dripping onto the floor. It scared me to think that this could've been me. If (y/n) wasn't there, it totally could be me lying there on the ground, a witch tearing away at my body. I shuddered at the thought of being eaten alive. I'm an absolute wuss when it comes to pain. I remember I once had broken my toe, and that had me confined to the bed for weeks. But it wasn't just the fear of getting hurt. Guilt racked through me whenever I remember her falling, down and down and down. She always seemed so strong, that it seemed right that I should rely on her so save me. Last night on that tree, I was so focused on saving my own butt. It didn't even cross my mind that (y/n) was the one who would get caught by the witch first. It didn't occur to me that she could've easily leapt up the tree, or even fought the witch, and not have gotten so hurt, if it weren't for me. I forgot that she might need saving too.

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