Chapter 14: Entranced

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I watched as one particularly pink petal floated down, shifting slightly from its original path when I twitched my ears, changing the air flow. My face broke into an involuntary smile when it landed like a tiny, feather-light butterfly on my nose. With my eyes closed and head turned up towards the ceiling, I basked in the sweet scent of sakura. Hearing Kotetsu exclaim that the petals tasted like sake, I turned my gaze curiously to the trio still standing by the door; Tomoe, staring around the room with unmasked amazement, flanked by the two shrine spirits, of whom Kotetsu had placed a petal in his mouth.

Seeing Kotetsu, Tomoe did the same thing, picking a flower out of the air. I watched for his reaction intently, not even sure why I cared what he thought. After all, I'm the goddess here, and he's just a familiar, a wild fox at that. A small voice popped into my head, whispering the sounds and screams of that fiery night long ago, urging me once again to seek vengeance on the one who brought the despair upon my village, reminding me, of what I had thought to be, Tomoe's guilt.

Frowning, I fought against the voice, struggling to keep my reason. As a humble mortal, I was taught to trust in the gods who held our fates. It is how I was brought up, and it's not about to change, even if I have become an immortal. Mikage-sama had asked me to put my trust in him, at least in things concerning Tomoe, so it is what I must do. After all, who was I to disobey a god?

Trying to dispel at least some of my unjust emotions, I glanced about the room, happening upon Tomoe who still stood in the doorway. He too, seems to be trying to rid himself of some unwanted thought. I watched his brow furrow slightly, before he proceeded to shake his head wildly from side to side, in a motion that was so unbelievably childish that I could barely supress a laugh. It was such an innocent motion: ears flapping slightly, changing direction just that tiny bit slower than his head, catching the feather-light petals and disrupting them on their way down to the floor.

A single petal floated softly down to rest on the tip of Tomoe's ear, like a tiny butterfly.

And my anger melted away.

Here, surrounded by memories of my beloved mother, my heart was as calm and as light as the flowers falling down around me. I couldn't help but smile.


sorry my beauties :( this was really really really short but I just wanted to get it out there.

I've finished the edits and have uploaded a *really bad and simple* outline of the changes. I'd encourage you to go through them because they actually sound so much better, but I know that takes time and effort ;)

love you all, imma get back to writing.

hope my brain will continue to work.

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