Island #1

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We landed on the island just on time, some people in black came to us and escorted us to a small town in the middle of the woods.  

" This is our training center for our young trainees, they are sent here before being sent to different regions all around the world.  We also reprogram the brains here."  Mr Ryder told me.  

I looked at all of the small buildings and saw about 50 trainees run through the hallways, they looked at us and saw the black people escort me so they immediately turned away.  They must be pretty scared of the men in black suits.  

" Who are these people?"  I whispered to Mr Ryder. 

" These are the guards of this island, it is their duty to keep the trainees in place.  They are scary sometimes but as long as you're with me, nothing bad is going to happen."  He told me and kept his head up high.  

They hustled us into a concrete building with no windows and only a seen exit.  We saw some trainers and elder trainees walk around the place.  What is this place?  Nothing I've ever seen.  It's so orderly, so in place.  

" Sit, " A man said, " I will get her ready." 

The men which brought us here left and more men came in to look after us.  Mr Ryder sat on the table as we waited, the men gave us some coffee to sip as we waited.  They gave us something to eat as we waited for some more, it seemed like forever. 

After an hour, the men arrived and told us to follow them.  

We followed them out of the building and through a long corridor and into another building made of full iron without windows.  A man opened the door to a huge room the size of a tennis court.  We walked in and Mr Ryder was told to stay behind and fill out some papers for me to go in.  They also glanced at my black leather jacket.  Maybe trainees are not allowed to wear these?  I don't really know cause I haven't been here.  After the papers were finished, they told me to change my clothes into some of the trainees clothing, which is a white t-shirt with some black tights.  I seriously hate dress codes but whatever.  They also gave me a black jacket. 

" These are to not start suspicion, and to make sure you're clean enough to meet her and not infect her with virus from your base.  She is clean and we will make every precaution to keep her that way so she is not easily infected."  The women who handed me the set told me.  

I know that we aren't supposed to even get close to the initiates before they finish the last stage of initiation, they are going to get some sort of virus that even the bureau cannot heal and mend so they simply throw them to a deserted island to await death.  The ones who survive roams the island to this day and legend has it that they are planning revenge. 

Then the men led me to an underground prison area with a lot of cells and tubes. 

" This is the area where we reprogram their young brains, and where they stay until they are fit enough to start their training."  One man told me, and started to peer at the doors. 

The doors were made of iron and there was only a small window looking out. 

" Let me out!  Let me out!"  I heard Cherlyn shout.  " I am not going to tolerate this!" 

" Wait here."  The man said to me again. 

I stood outside the door and breathed.  The man came back out and told me that I could go in now. 

" Cherlyn?"  I timidly walked into the cell room. 

I saw Cherlyn being chained to the wall. 

" Marina? Why are you here?"  She tried to scramble to my side and grabbed my arm.  " Did they catch you too?"  

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