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"  Umm...  Girls,"  Sophie said as she walked into our dorm room for the first time.  

" Yes?"  You-er said, taking her seat on her bed.  

" Is this my bed?"  She asked pointing to Bertha's bed. 

" Mmm..."  I nodded, lying onto my own. 

"  Why is it covered in red paint."  She reached forward and scooped up the red stuff and smelt it.  " Wait...  It's not paint...  It's... Blood."  

We gasped and jumped off our bunks. 

"  Are you sure?"  You-er asked calmly as she approached the bed. 

You-er scooped up a bit of blood and examined it. 
" This is real blood, and it is fresh blood too."  She exclaimed. 

We all crowded around her bunk and saw what the blood spelt, ' Get out before it's too late Scotia.'  

" But...  No one else knows that she is coming apart from us."  I said, looked at the others. 

The others nodded and we talked about the blood and murder.  

" You guys should go to class now, they are handing out the results already."  You-er pointed out and before she could say goodbye to us. 

" I am so sorry Mrs Jonus."  I said immediately as I stepped into the classroom.  

"  It's okay Miss Peters, take a seat."  Mrs Jonus, our teacher told me. 

I found a seat next to Hannah and Mrs Jonus started to give us our test results and as I saw mine I smiled in joy. 

" What did you get?"  Hannah asked me. 

" I got an A+, that means I got a 100."  I told her, holding out my test result. 

The whole class crowded around our desk and started sharing our results, the only person who was sitting by himself quietly on his chair.  He was Oliver.  Perhaps he was ashamed of his test results or perhaps he was ashamed of him acting this way to me. 

"  Umm...  Mrs Jonus, is it possible that this is my score?"  He asked. 

Mrs Jonus went over and nodded,  " Yes, that's clearly your score."  

His eyes widened and a tear formed and dripped on his grey shirt.  I think for the first time in a month, he actually smiled. 

" I got a A+!!!!!!!!!   95 marks baby!!!!"   He shouted at the top of his lungs. 

I smiled and then all of us began laughing.  We were fed up of the always smiling Oliver becoming as grim as the grim reaper.  Then the next thing he did was unexpected. 

" Mari, I'm so sorry.  But can you be my girlfriend?"  He rushed in front of me. 

I smiled and blushed a bit. 

"Sure, "  I said, but something in me wanted to tease him, "  But you better not run off next time."  

He smiled and took my hand.  We walked out of the classroom together and ran into the distance. 

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