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The first day was over, finally.  We were all drenched in sweat as the last task was finished. 

" Good job team," Jason yelled as we ran back to our dorms. 

Oliver caught up with me as I sprinted across the grassy fields.

" Good job on your first day."  He said, patting my back but quickly drew back as his hand touched my wet back.  " Ewwww... Why didn't you tell me?" 

I laughed and sprinted quicker, he seemed to have caught up.  I took a boost and the wind pounded on my face, I smiled.  The wind pounding in my ears, the wind blowing at my hair.  My hair flying in a ponytail. 

Jason looked at me in disgust. 

" Come on Marina, no time for playing unless you want to go back to the junior forms." He said sternly. 

The brick dormitories suddenly rose in front of us and I tied with Jason at the finish.  

" Good job Peters." He said, panting at the end. 

I smiled at him and we parted, going into different dorms. 

As I arrived in my room, I saw that everyone is having a bad time with the year start prank. 

" They ruined our walls." Emma wailed. 

" They took our things from home." Elysia cried. 

" They put black paint on my wall. " You-er said, her voice slightly unhappy. 

Bertha was the only one not complaining, but she was looking at her bedsheets. 

" Hi Bertha, anything ruined?"

Bertha nodded and her eyes burned with anger. 

" Did you do it?" She asked once quietly. 

Then she took a deep breath.

" Did you do it?" She repeated. 

I shook my head. 

" DID YOU DO IT?" She shouted at me and lunged at me. 

Her hands found my neck and in a flash she was strangling me, the others looked in awe and You-er slipped out of the room silently.

Although I was quick, Bertha was huge.  I was only a small girl who knows some moves which proves to have no use on a girl as big as Bertha. 

" Let go Bertha!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

Bertha gripped my neck harder and found my air gap, she crushed her finger on it and I felt pain stabbing in.  I closed my eyes, hoping that the pain would end me quickly. 

Suddenly she let go, and someone held me tightly.  I opened my eyes and found Oliver holding me.  Smiling, he told me to not worry for he will always be by my side.  

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