Darkness within

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" Something's just not right." I told Oliver as we sat on the old tree stumps.

He filled our cups with apple juice and we sat in the only light source in the room- the small hole that led to the outside.

" I thought I saw you two come in." Someone said from behind us.

We turned and saw Jason come out of the shadows.

" Why are you here?" I stood up and raised my gun.

" Come on, this is the place where I always hangout." He said grinning, " Calm down, put your gun down." He slowly pressed the hand holding my gun down.

I slowly lowered it and then put it into my pocket.

" Come on, sit down." He motioned for me to sit.

I sat and he sat on the old mats.

" I've never been to this place," He looked around, " Until I followed you up today."

He suddenly took out his gun and pointed it at me.

" I presume that no one knows that you're here. So why not finish you when I'm here."

He pulled back the trigger. I turned and pulled out my gun.

" Right, it's the best junior agent. I should've known." He said, finger tempting to push the lever.

" Put the gun down." I taunted, pointing at his gun.

Then I turned to Oliver for reinforcement. But he had simply vanished.

" Seems like your little boyfriend was scared off. "

I turned my head to face him again.

" Any regrets?" He asked.

I only stared at him straight in the eye.

" Guess not."

I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang and I passed.

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