Like nothing happened

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The next days were like hell. Everyone was gloomy at first but after some days, everyone went on with life as if nothing happened.

" Oliver, why would they think that it was only an accident?" I asked him as we were heading to our favourite house when we were younger.

We arrived at the ' Tree' house. It wasn't just any treehouse, it was OUR treehouse.

We kept it hidden in case of emergencies in case we had to hide. It was on top of the highest mountain, in the middle of the most thorny bushes, it was hidden beneath the earth, but on a tree.

We planted a tree in the earth and made it a second home to us. It was a nice place with some cosy sheets, a table, some stools, some toys, some paper, some pencils, something nice for us to eat, running water, a bathroom and something secret we kept in there, a time capsule.

We went back up to hangout. The weekend was starting and Mr Ryder was giving us the ' Big Break' before our first mission and first school day.

Everyone went home to their countries and I was left with only Jason and Oliver at the training centre. They are the only ones left because it was their home for all they knew. I think Bertha has a home somewhere else but she still went on vacation to Hawaii.

" You remember our summer holiday when we set Mr Ryder's clothes on fire, he ran out shouting at us and we ran up here." Oliver joked.

We laughed, remembering the first time we found this place. Mr Ryder was chasing us from his house and we fell into this ginormous hole on top of the mountain. No one ever went up the mountain because there were thorns all over the place and you had to squeeze into a hole to get on top of the mountain.

We squeezed onto the top of the mountain and fell into the huge hole in the ground. We found a big seed and planted it. We also found a small stream going into the hole and some branches. We spent our day there, playing in the mud, spying on our parents and laughing about Mr Ryder's face.

After we arrived, we sat on our stools and thought about the deaths. This won't be a coincident, it is too similar to the one before.

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