Cry of the Wind

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As the wind blew past, I sat beside our extinguished camp fire,  thinking about the past week.  Why would Mr Ryder  think that I was a good captain?  Why would he like me for who I was?  He hated me for my father was a traitor in his eyes.  Oliver suddenly came out of his tent and sat next to me. 

" Why do you think he wants me as leader?"  I asked him. 

He fidgeted and told me a secret I would never think of. 

Suddenly, there was a blood- curdling  scream in the middle of the woods.  We looked South and I recognised the scream.  Immediately sprinting towards the sound, I went deeper and deeper into the woods. 

" Mari!  Mari!"  The voice screamed. 
I saw Tasha's body swimming in pools of blood. 

" Tasha!"  I shrieked, immediately rushing over. 

I cradled her head and asked her what happened. 

" There was a girl, she was chasing me..."  Her voice broke off while she breathed hardly.  " She was...  She was... She was...  Holding a knife.  She said, ' Whoever helps the traitor must die.'  So I ran and she caught me with her knife...  She stabbed it into me and I ended up like this..."  Her eyes closed. 

" No no no no...  No Tasha, don't close your eyes.  I'll call help, I'll tell them to help you.  You just have to be a bit more patient."  I told her, grasping her hands tightly. 

" No Mari..."  She coughed, blood flowing out of her mouth.  " I'm gonna go back to heaven again, go where everyone belongs."  She smiled, showing off her blood- coloured teeth.  " Just bring little Tenor to my dad, he should be somewhere outside."  She handed me a small blood covered monkey.  "  Tell him that I love him and I will be up there waiting for him to come. "  She grasped me hand even harder, "  You are my best friend and I want you to know that we'll always be besties.  No matter if I die, or if you die."   She slowly closed her eyes, " I love you Mari,  and I want you to know it."  

A streak of tear stumbled down my face, I cried truly for the first time.  

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