Silence remains

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Silence remains as I woke up. I woke up back in my dorm, no longer in the warmth of Oliver's arms, but in the cold grasps of the silence who was sucking me into hell.

" Oh no!" I remembered the hideyhole, and Oliver.

" Hush." You-er said, " You are hurt, you must rest." She pointed at the bloody hole on my shoulder.

I tried to move it but winced and gave up because of the pain. But the only pain which was going through my body was the beating of my heart.

Why did he leave me for his own life? Why didn't he fight with me?

" You-er, can you do me a favour?" I asked her.

She nodded.

" Can you tell Oliver to come here? I have something I want to tell him."

She went to get him but just returned with a note telling me that he was sorry. The fury inside me boiled some more then it cooled.

Feeling a bit down, I closed my eyes and thought of the people who were closest to me. So far I only have him left.

For the next few days I spent most of my time recovering and Jason was being taken to the office and he's been taken to another training center somewhere else.

I didn't speak to Oliver since the day I got injured. You-er gave up her training for medical care lessons, she wanted to help everyone who got injured and Mr Ryder asked her to take care of me until I recovered.

Silence regains it's place in my life once again.

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