Into the Woods ( literally)

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After the ring of the bell we all run into the woods, each of us finds a backpack with supplies and group up at our meeting point by the tallest tree in the woods. 

" Okay, so there are ten checkpoints and we have to find them in three days.  Should be easy."  Bertha said smiling at us. 

" We have to go through them without dying."  Tanya added. 

Everyone joined into the conversation. 

" Relax guys, it's only a practice."  I said soothingly. 

" Yea sure, it's only a practice which we could die."  Jason added. 

The rest of the team grumbled.  Then soon after I won them over, we started planning what to do. 

" Okay teams, there is a small water source to the Orange part of the woods.  If you arrive there in 10 minutes, you will have clean water.  If you arrive there in 20, you will get water, but not clean water."  Mr Ryder's voice bloomed from the speakers above. 

Bertha rolls her eyes. 

" Don't mind him, there is no water source, he just wants to go there for a challenge."  She exclaimed loudly, making sure Mr Ryder could hear it outside the forest. 

We all laughed and proceeded to Checkpoint 1.  Someone was waiting for us there, they were blocking the path. 

" Come on!  Move." Jason yelled at us and we all ran. 

But the robot pulled out a gun and we all pulled our pistols out and began shooting. 

I noticed that everyone's pistols were all in different shapes, different sizes and different colours.  They must've made one for each of us to feel comfortable and maybe they thought that we needed different weights. 

" Finally."  Jason sighed, brushing away the dust from his shoulders. 

" Let's get moving."  I said, starting to run towards the Green Zone. 

The Green Zone was basically the safest place to go when you need comfort. 

" We'll camp here tonight, the best thing to do is stay here in the night so we don't die and fail the mission all together."  I told them, putting down my backpack. 

We all setup the camp and settled in. 

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