When You Get A Papercut

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Danisnotonfire --

"What are you doing?" Dan peered over your shoulder. "College work" You answered. "What subject?" He questioned as you flipped through pages. "Law and Orde- Yah!" You yelped as you got a papercut. "See, Law is the most painful subject!" Dan announced, as he got a bandaid for your cut.

AmazingPhil --

You were reading a book and Phil was struggling to keep up. You flicked the page as you gave yourself a papercut, you winced, making Phil go into an alert mode. He looked at your finger as he literally dragged you to a cupboard with a medical things. You sighed as Phil was still alert about you hurting yourself.

Twaimz --

You were sorting out some taxes and files till Issa sneaked up behind you. "Boo" He said with a snicker as you jumped, earning a papercut. You yelped as Issa backed away, knowing how mad you can get. "Bye!" He yelled as he ran, leaving you take care of the bleeding, tender cut on your fingertip.

Pewdiepie --

You sighed as you did your homework for college. You searched through books, getting multiple papercuts. You didn't notice till pain hit you and you yelped. "Y/N!?" Felix appeared in the doorway. He laughed for what seemed like forever till he helped you.

JoeyGraceffa --

Joey was helping you with a project, he was very cautious of the scissors nearby. You took the scissors and began cutting but your finger skidded off the paper getting a tiny cut but it hurt like hell. Joey immediatly helped you, with bandaids and he also kissed your finger.

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