How You Find Out Who They Are (Dan Howell)

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Danisnotonfire --

London was a perfect area to move to. You walk to your apartment building, to see your next door neighbour, talking to the landlord. Your neighbour was excessively tall, you guessed atleast 6ft. He wasn't wearing anything bright or colourful but he was rocking some skinny jeans. His hair was a dark brown, that swooped almost over his eyes and was kinda shaved at the sides of his head and sideburns. When the landlord left, you caught a glimpse of his apartment, it was filled it nerdy things and was definately bright. "Who was that?" A male but innocent voice spoke, his accent sounded Northern. "Just the landlord, nothing to go, running away at" The man in black spoke, his accent was articulate and made you want to hear it again. He walked into his apartment, as you did the same, going into your bare apartment.

The next few days you continued to see your neighbours but then new things happened. Alot of crashing, cursing, laughing, occasionally yelling and the word 'meme'.

One day, you decide to finally greet yourself. You walk to your door ready to open it, till you hear a voice. "Hello internet, so today, it's a day in the life of Dan and" The articulate voice, presumably called Dan said. "Phil!" The Northern voice chirped happily, who you supposed was called Phil. You swore you heard those names. You walked to your laptop, went to Google and searched, 'Dan and Phil'.

What surprised you, is that these were the guys, your younger/older sister/brother talked about. You soon heard a rolling noise and looked over to see a Sharpie had rolled under your door and into your apartment. It had to be your neighbours Sharpie but none the less, you kept it, for safe keeping.

A/N: This sucked but it's suuuuper late so i'll do the others tomottow but comment, vote and give your opinion! Bah bye!

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