Chapter 50

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August POV

I pulled up at home alread dressed and ready to go. I walked in to a house full of people. Mama, my brother Travis and his daughter and girl, my nieces by my late brother Mel, and my kids, but not my wife.

"Mama, where my baby at?"
"Upstairs getting ready boy!"
"I told that girl to be ready by the time I got here!"

I hopped up the stairs and into our bedroom, to see Mahagany dressed standing in the mirror. I sighed and walked over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead and wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling her growing stomach.

"You ready."
"Yeah, if I don't throw up again all over this dress."
"Shit! What happened?"
"I threw up and had to shower and change my entire outfit."
"Is that normal, do we need to go to the hospital?!"
"Yes baby, it's normal, and no we don't need to go to the hospital. I'm fine, I'm just really hungry right now."
"Alright. We'll get you and lil mama in there some food."

She grinned. Making me chuckle.

"You said lil mama."
"Okay. And?"
"So your saying you want another girl?"
"I mean kinda, I know she will never be Angel, but I kinda want to do a redo of when Angel was born, even though it's not her. If that's sounds weird as fuck enough."

She shook her head and peaked my lips.

"That sounds sweet to me."

I smiled. I love this woman.

"Have you told them about the new baby yet?"
"No, I haven't told anybody. I figured that's why you were taking us out to dinner."
"Yeah it was. So let's go."

I grabbed her hand and helped her downstairs. We all loaded up in different cars and when I got me and Mahagany and the kids situated we road off to the restaurant I had booked for all of us. We had a driver so the kids were sitting in between us playing while me and Mahagany watched. Melvin started crying and Mahagany picked him up and he laid on her stomach and I smiled. I took a picture and posted it on ig. We finally made it to the restaurant and me and the family went in, of course with flash photography on our ass. When we made it in, they greeted me and M, saying how they were big fans and stuff. They sat us at this huge family table and we all ordered drinks and it was pretty crazy because we had two babies my son, and niece. Then we had my other three nieces and my daughter trying to run around and shit. When we finally got our food, Melvin wouldn't even let Mahagany eat, because he wanted her to hold him.

"Can mommy eat son?"

I asked him, and he shook his head and I grabbed him from,her and of course he started screaming and shit. Mahagany sighed.

"Just give him here baby, I'll eat later."
"No, your eating for two now, so eat."

Mama looked at me so fast.


I chocked on my food and looked at her awkward.

"Don't huh me boy, she's eating for two? Are you pregnant again Mahagany?"

She asked and Mahagany nodded while wiping food off her face.

"So when was y'all gone tell me?"
"Tonight if you would have just waited ma!"
"It's your fault for blurting it out any way August!"

Mahagany yelled at me.

"I didn't blurt it out!"

She gave me a mean look.

"Okay I did but it slipped out baby."

I said and my brother chuckled.

"Shut up nigga."
"Man, I was just bout to say congratulations, but yo ass just ruined that!"
"Travis your not too old and I'm not too young to wip your butt!"

I chuckled.

"You too August!"

My mama yelled at me and Mahagany gave me that "yeah you better listen to her" look.

"Alright y'all she's pregnant, we just found out last night."
"Oh my goodness another grandbaby!"

My mama clapped while I smiled and rubbed Mahaganys stomach.

"So what y'all want this time lil Bruh?"

My brother asked and I shrugged.

"Another girl foreal but if it's another boy I'll be cool with it."

He nodded and we all finished eating and everybody went their separate ways. When we got home the kids feel asleep and I put them both in bed after that me and Mahagany hopped in the shower and got into bed.

"Goodnight handsome."
"Goodnight gorgeous."

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