Chapter 37

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Mahaganys POV

I don't know what has gotten into August. First a surprise vacation to California and then him setting up a surprise for me on my birthday. I didn't know weather it was because his album was dropping and he wanted to keep his mind off things or if he really already wanted this from a while ago. Whatever it was I was loving it. I laid on the beach soaking up the sun while August held me close while I put sun screen on the kids. There was ALOT of security due to the fact that ya know, we're celebrities. Our security was on,deck and know one could get near 100 feet of us.

"Mommy are you done now!?"
"Angelica Alsina, don't cry to me when your skin is all red and sore."

She flopped down in the sand and let me finish. August chuckled.

"I don't even wanna see what she'll do when she's sixteen."

I laughed and tapped her back letting her know she was good. She ran to the water and Melvin sat in my lap trying to make a sand castle.


He said while tapping my leg and pointing to his pile of sand that was,clearly just a pile. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"I see baby."

I laid back in my husbands arms and kissed his lips and then looked back at the water where Angel was playing.

"How you feel about tomorrow."
"You mean my birthday?"
"I don't know, last year you kinda forgot and I was mad at you."
"You can't blame me for that shit you didn't even tell me your birthday was coming up!"
"Whatever. I just want to spend time with y'all."
"What if I told you I had a surprise for you."

I pulled away from him and turned to look at him.

"What is it?"
"You want it tonight?"
"Never mind, I'll make you wait til tomorrow."
"No! Baby please!"
"I'll think about it."

I rolled my eyes and He grabbed my hips and pulled them on top of his lap.

"Love you."
"Love you too."

Next morning...

I woke up to August arms draped over me and him snoring a little. I chuckled a little and kissed his cheek and slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then took a quick mirror birthday selfie and posted it on ig. I walked back into the bedroom and climbed back in bed with August. I laid just looking at him for a good five minutes until he grunted and pulled me close and kissed my cheek. I smiled and he spoke with a raspy voice.

"Happy birthday."
"Thank you."

He stood up and I tapped his ass in his Calvin Kliens and he chuckled and walked in the bathroom and then back out and out the room. I waited for a while and then the door came open with August holding both of our kids in his arms. Angel was holding a cupcake with a little candle in it. Melvin Kinda held a note because he was chewing on it. I laughed and August sat them on the edge of the bed and he climbed back beside me.

"What is this cuties?"
"The kids wanted to tell you something."

Angel gave me the cupcake and I kissed her cheek and Melvin climbed in my lap. Angelica took the note from him and read aloud.

"Dear, mommy I love you so much thank you for being sweet and sometimes giving me ice cream before we eat dinner, and letting me stay up past my bedtime on school days. Thanks for making my hair look pretty and hugging and kissing me and always smiling. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday."

I poked my lips out trying not to cry. I brung her in and squeezed her tight and kissed her a million times. Then Melvin tapped me.

"Yeah baby?"
"Haffy birftay momee."

That was it, I let it out and August chuckled and kissed my for head. I brought Melvin into me and Angels hug and kissed all over him too.

"Wuv you momee."

He said. I laughed.

"I wuv you too baby."

I looked at August and he wiped my tears.

"Stop crying babe."
"No. I cry because I love y'all."

I grabbed his chin and pulled his lips to mine. We kissed passionately until Angel started saying "Ew" and Melvin started laughing. I pulled away and smiled and peaked his lips one more time.

"We love you too."

August replied.

"I love you guys too."
"Mommy blow out your candle!!"

Angel screamed I laughed and blew it out and everyone cheered.

"I would say make us breakfast but I don't want you lifting a finger today."
"So your gonna fix breakfast?"
"Hell no."

I laughed.

"We're going out so get dressed."


I got dressed and August and the kids literally had me doing everything. August took me and Angel to get our nails done and him and Melvin sat around reading magazine's with Augusts pictures in them. Then took us shopping closing entire stores down for me. And after all of that he bought me a gorgeous necklace and to go with my gorgeous outfit got the award show. When we got home, my mother and step father flew out to take care of Angel and Mel for the night because Mr. Alsina wants me and him to have alone time, since we never get it in anymore because the kids are there. While my parents were watching the kids I was getting My hair done by my hair stylist who is from cali. August had gone to get the surprise ready and I was excited.

After awhile I looked in the mirror at my gorgeous hair. I smiled and hugged my stylist and finished getting ready when I was done my mother came upstairs.

"Aww you look beautiful, sweetie."
"Thank you mommy."
"Your welcome sweetie, I have something for you. Close your eyes."

I smiled and she made me close my eyes and then she placed a necklace around my neck. I smiled and squeezed her tight and out the corner of my eyes I saw my man in his sexy suit. I bit my lip and my mother turned around and looked at him.

"I'll let you two have your time."
"Thanks mama."

She nodded and hug August, and I smiled at him.

"Hey handsome!"
"We see the good looking one in this room."

I laughed.

"You ready to go beautiful?"

He grabbed my hand and we left.

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