Chapter 12

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Mahaganys POV

I'm pacing the floor right now worried about my fucking boyfriend. I don't want him to get hurt there's no telling what Dj might do, he's a damn lunatic. I sent the girls to the play room and Mandy tried to calm me down, while she rubbed her rounded stomach, nervously.

"Mahagany, girl, he'll be alright."
"What if he's not, what if I put him in a situation where he thinks he has to defend my honor and our child's honor and I end up getting him hurt. I can't lose him, I love him."

My heart stopped. I just said I loved him. I looked at Mandy and her eyes widened.

"I thought you said you two haven't said the "I love you's" yet?"
"We haven't."
"Then what's up with this I love him shit?"
"I don't know, he's just done a lot for me and Angel and I've just thought about how much he's actually done and I actually do think, I love him."
"Aww, I remember the first time me and Bo told each other, we loved one another. Of course, we were drunk and it was during sex, but I remember it so well because it meant something. And after it it meant I was pregnant with Madison but it was worth it."

I sat down and laughed and rubbed her stomach.

"You crack me up girl."
"Just trying to calm you down."
"I'm just terrified. I love him, I really do, and I want him to be in my life for a long time."
"He will be. Just stay calm."

Just as I was about to lay back the door busted open and in came a bloody August and Bo and a few more dudes.

I stood up and cursed and August flopped on the couch and I ran up stairs and got towels and a first aid kit. I ran back downstairs and jumped on top of August and he winced.

"Shit Mahagany! I'm sore!"
"You wouldn't be so sore if you wouldn't have went down there!"

I said while spraying some cleaner on a rag and wiping his lip and eye. I hopped off of him and went into the kitchen and got ice packs for everybody, Because August literally had all his boys standing in my living room right now. I looked over at Terelle who was Augusts old friend.

"What happened T?"

I asked while wiping blood off of Augusts nose.

"Don't worry about it Mahagany. Just know I put that Nigga in his place. And my niggas put his boys in check too."

August blurted. I was so tempted to just punch him in his face for saying some stuck up shit like that. He better be glad I love his stupid ass. I sighed and rolled my eyes and put some medical tape on his wounds and then went to help the other boys. After I was done with them they all ran in the kitchen and stole some of my chicken Alfredo.

"Hey! Don't eat all my damn food, I have a boyfriend and child to feed!"

Bo poked his head out of the kitchen and nodded, while holding the ice pack to his lip and eating. Soon Angelica came downstairs.


She went to jump on him but he stopped her.

"Not right now baby."
"What happened to your face daddy?"
"I got in an accident."

I rolled my eyes.

"Your daddy's hard headed, so that's what happens."

She ran in the kitchen with the boys and Terelle picked her up and kissed her cheek. He came back out and looked at us.

"Damn, Aug, she's like a mini you nigga!"
"I know."

He replied smiling a little. I chuckled and walked into the kitchen and fixed him a plate in the mist of all the commotion. I brought it back to him and he smiled.

"Thank you."
"Your welcome hard headed."
"I'm sorry, but when Bo told me He was messing with you and my baby, I couldn't handle it."
"You could have at least told me instead of having me pacing the fucking floor worried you might be dead or something! We have a daughter to think about and she loves you! What would it do to her if you died! What about me? I love you! I can't stand being the one to tell our daughter, your gone and she can't ever see you again!"

He smiled and I was so confused.

"What's funny? I don't think me thinking your dead is funny August!"
"No, it's not. But you just said you loved me."

My heart stopped, did I just pour my heart out to him and let those words slip out. He stood up and put his plate down and walked over to me and grabbed my waist. I looked away but he grabbed my chin.

"I love you too."

He peaked my lips lightly and I smiled.

"I'd love you even more if you warm my plate back up because it's a little cold."

I laughed and kissed him and grabbed his plate and went to the kitchen. Soon we all sat around the living room and as it was getting later and later everyone left. Mandy and Bo were the last to leave, they left and I got Angel ready for bed, while August showered. When I got her out and put on her frozen night gown in her room August came in.

As soon as he stepped closer to her she turned away. He scrunched his eyes together.

"What did I do?"
"I don't like you anymore, you wouldn't give me a hug when you got here."
"I was bloody gorgeous."
"I still wanted to hug you."
"You can hug me now."

She kept her back turnt to him and she slung her wet curly hair over her shoulder and glared at him. He smirked and at her motioned her over with his finger. she smiled and ran and jumped in his arms and he grunted in pain.

"I'm sorry."
"Its okay baby girl."

I smiled and I kissed Angel goodnight and looked at August.

"Are you putting her to bed?"
"Okay, I'm going to bed."
"I'll be in there when she falls asleep."

I went to our bedroom and got in the shower and stepped out and pulled my hair in a high bun. I was hot from all the worrying and yelling I did about August, so I just left on my underwear and bra. As soon as I was getting in bed August came in.

"Hey sexy."
"Don't hey sexy me, I'm not going there with you tonight."

He chuckled.

"I'm to sore to make love to you tonight anyway."

I reared back and laughed. He cut the lights off and plugged up his phone and climbed in bed. I climbed in beside him and he pulled me close and kissed me with his swollen bottom lip. I laughed because it was more plump than usual.

"Okay, I'm going to bed because kissing always leds to other things. Especially with you."
"I can't handle that I'm a natural sex symbol."

I chuckled and he did the same while groping my ass. He peaked my lips one more time before whispering to me.

"You really love me?"

I nodded slowly.

"You sure?"
"Why do you keep asking me? Do you want me to take it back?"
"No, I'm just making sure you really love me."
"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't say it. It was harder for me to say it to you than you think."

He pulled me into his chest

"I'm glad you did."

I smiled.

"I love you August."

He chuckled.

"I love you to Mahagany. Now go to sleep."


Aww!! "I love you's." are so sweet between them

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