Chapter 13

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Augusts POV

Mahagany turned over on me and snuggled close. I grunted because she was hurting me. I shook her and she grunted too. I pushed her off of me and threw my arm around her just to let her know I was still there.

"Baby, I'm cold!"
"I'm holding you girl!"
"No! I want to snuggle up to you."
"No, your hurting me!"

She slid out of bed and went into the bathroom. When she came out I slipped in and brushed my teeth and took a leak. When I came back Mahagany had slipped back into bed. I chuckled.

"Get up girl."
"No, you get naked and get back in the bed."
"Don't play like that if you ain't ready for it."

She chuckled and cuddled in the cover.

"I'm off today."

She said while looking at me.

"I guess I will be too."
"You have no choice, you're sore and need to take some medicine, and lay down."
"Okay, damn. You acting like mama!"
"Somebody need to be acting like Your mama round here, since your being hard headed and shit."

I rolled my eyes at her and she pushed the cover off of her and walked over to me.

"Don't play with me August."
"What happens if I do?"
"You'll find out."

She pulled me close and ripped my shirt off, I kissed her lips and She pulled me to the bed and then the door came open and it was Angel. I sighed and she came in wiping her eyes with her hands.

"Daddy, mama?"
"Yes baby girl?"
"I'm hungry."

I picked her up and threw her across my shoulder and rubbed her back.

"I'll get your mama to fix you breakfast."

She looked at me and rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Fix her breakfast, and we can go out for breakfast when we take her to school."

She went downstairs and I laid with Angel. I looked at her.

"Baby girl, what happened at school yesterday?"
"You mean when Daddy Darren gave me a note?"

I cringed. I hate when she calls him that.

"Don't call him that, I'm your daddy, not him."
"What happened when he gave you the note?"
"He told me to give it to mommy, and then he kissed my forehead."

I sighed and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, you know that right?"
"Yes daddy, you tell me that everyday."

I chuckled.

"That's because I love you a lot, okay?"
"Okay daddy."

I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen, where my gorgeous girlfriend was making Angel something to eat. I walked over behind her and placed a kiss on her neck. She grinned and turned around and began giving me the best tongue I've ever had in my 23 years of life.

"Mmm, I love you."

She grinned.

"I love you too."
"Hurry up, so we can get ready."
"Where are we going today babe?"
"I don't know yet."

She smiled and shook her head while taking Angel out of my arms and setting her by the isle to eat. I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm gonna get Bo to stay at school with baby girl today, just in case ya know?"
"I guess, I want her to have a normal childhood August, I don't want all the security and cameras around her like that."
"Theres no cameras, just Bo, to protect her."

She sighed and nodded and I gave her a questioning look.

"Okay, August."
"Baby, are you sure?"
"Yeah, as long as she's safe."
"You know that's all I want for her."

I kissed her cheek and went into our bedroom. I showered and got dressed and waited on Mahagany. Angel came in fully dressed and ready to go, and then in came Mahagany and she picked her clothes out and hopped in the shower. When she got out she dressed and we left. When we dropped baby girl off, I went in to make sure her teacher and principle know, no-one should come in and mess with my baby, no matter what.

Bo stayed and me and Mahagany headed for breakfast. When we got to our destination papparazzi was already posted up. Like how do these people know where I am, before I even get there. I sighed and grabbed Mahagany and we jogged in. We sat down and I looked in her eyes.


She asked while smiling.

"I don't know, but there's just something about you, that just makes me stare."

She blushed.

"Take a picture then."

I smirked.

"Your so corny ma."
"Your corny, goofball."
"I love you though."
"I love you too."
"How much?"

She scrunched her eyes together as the waitress gave us our drinks.

"What do you mean babe?"
"Just what I said, how much do you love me?"
"A lot. I love you a lot."
"You love me enough to come on tour with me?"

Her eyes widened.

"Yeah. I've been wanting to tell you, but I couldn't get it out. I leave in three weeks and I'll be gone for the next six months. But I don't want to do it without you."
"August, I can't just jump up and leave my job, and what about Angel. How does she fit into this?"
"She can come too, you could home school her, or I could get a teacher to be on the road with us."

She sighed.

"Baby, I love you, and I support you through everything you do, but I don't know about this."
"I love you too, I need you there for me. I don't think I could do this without you or baby girl there."

She looked in my eyes.

"August, if I go through with this you gotta have my back, I'm risking everything for you. I need you to be there for me and our daughter, I don't want to worry about you coming home to me every night. I can't be hurt again."

I grabbed her hands and leaned over the table and kissed her lips and wipe the few tears that had fallen from her eyes away.

"I'll do or be anything you want me too, I love you and I want to keep you. I would never hurt you, ever, I promise."

She nodded and I kissed her lips again.

"So are yall coming?"

She smiled.

"Yes, we'll go on tour with you."


Will August keep his promise?

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