Chapter 42

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August POV


Mahagany asked me while I held her hand tightly while rubbing her forehead.

"Yes beautiful?"
"How long was I asleep?"
"Months baby."

She had been awake for two days and for someone that has been sleep for over three months, she was always so sleepy. We haven't had the time to really talk about what happened because the doctors said she needs rest and our families have been in and out, but I told everyone to hold off for a couple of hours so We could talk.

"Yes gorgeous?"
"Why was I asleep for so long?"
"I think you were just really tired sweetie."
"It was dj."
"It was dj that made me sleep so long, wasn't it?"

I nodded while looking down.

"Yeah baby. It was him."
"He hurt you too, didn't he?"
"Yeah, but not too bad."

She gave me a straight face and then,began talking again.

"Where's the baby?"
"Umm, the kids are at my mama's, you want too-"

She cut me off.

"No! The baby that was inside of me? What happened to it?"

I tears instantly fell from my eyes and I couldn't speak about our dead unborn child.

"August! Answer me!"

I shook my head.

"Their gone."

I barley said it above a whispered. She didn't say another word for a few minutes.

"So our baby is dead?"

I nodded slowly.

Some tears slipped from her eyes and I kissed her cheeks repeatably.

"I'm so sorry August, I know you didn't want another baby, but after I found out I was I didn't know what to say to you."
"You know I wouldn't be thinking like that if you would have told me Mahagany. I would have been happy to bring another baby in the world."
"I'm so sorry baby."
"No I'm sorry for making you feel like I didn't want a baby."
"Speaking of babies, how are the kids?"
"Missing you."
"When will I see them?"
"When the fucking doctors let you come home, and lay in my arms."

I saw her smile for the first time in three months. I smiled too and leaned over and kissed her still amazing lips.

"I love you August."
"I love you too Mahagany."

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