Chapter 15

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Augusts POV

Yup. I did. I asked the woman I love to marry me and I have no regrets. Before we went home, me and Mahagany went and got her an engagement ring and she loves it. Angel was happy we were getting married, now all she wants is a baby sister. I chuckled when she told us that, but Mahagany knows I want a son.

Its been over a year and a lot has changed, between us getting engaged and Mahagany trying her chances in acting and modeling. She's been getting noticed more and more, now that she's in on this fame thing, niggas been trying to hit her up more and more, and I'm not jealous, but I'm very protective of what's mine, and she's mine.

Angel turned four, and me and Mahagany were a little emotional, because it was the first birthday we've spent together since she was born. Since it was so special to us, we thought we should just go ahead and change her last name to mine. Anyway, I've been working on my album and today, i'm just chilled at home with my baby girl listening to my tracks.

I laid in bed and Angel came in and laid beside me.

"Hey baby."
"Daddy, you sound good."
"Thank you."
"Can you make a song about me?"

I smiled, little did she know I already have. I kissed her cheek and looked through my songs and clicked on the one titled. Baby girl. I let it play and she smiled after it played she wanted to hear it again. She learned all the lyrics and eventually she fell asleep singing. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep too.

Mahaganys POV

I finally made it home after doing an interview on my upcoming photo shoot. I walked in the house and heard music playing from upstairs, I smiled because it sounded like a new song August was working on or something. I walked to our bedroom and saw him and Angel asleep on our bed, I chuckled and took a picture of them.

I took off my shoes and set my things down and then kissed August softly on his lips. He grunted and then opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw me.
"Hey babe."
"Hey beautiful."

I climbed on top of him careful not to wake Angel. He look really sexy with no shirt and his pimp hat on. I leaned down and kissed his lips with more force this time and he sucked on my tongue.

"How was your interview?"
"Boring. I hate interviews."
"Me too."

I rubbed his chest and pinched his nipples and he winced. I laughed and he squeezed my ass.

"Stop playing if you don't want me to hurt you."
"Whatever. I like this song."
"Yeah, Angel wanted me to make a song about her, so I did."

I smiled and kissed his lips.

"You gonna make a song about me?"

I said while biting my lip.

"That song would be too explicit baby."

I laughed and laid beside him while rubbing over his tattoos. I thought about us and how far we've come since we finally got together. I had to thank him for everything, because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be doing what I love right now, I would still be filing someone's papers. I laid my head beside his as Angel snored her head off. We both chuckled and, I sighed.


I placed his hand on my stomach and he raised his eyes at me and I smiled.

"I think I'm ready for a baby."

He smiled and kissed my stomach.

"I thought you wanted to wait until the wedding?"
"I did, but I'm ready now, if your ready."
"I'm ready for anything that involves you and having a family together."

I smiled and climbed off of him.

"Where you going?"
"Downstairs to start dinner."

He scrunched his eyes at me.

"No, we need to start on this baby."

He demanded and I smiled and he took Angel in her room and came back and we went in.

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