Our Life

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Randy's POV

{9:00am - Saturday - Tampa, FL}

I woke up before Adrian or Alanna, so I decided to go buy a few more things to make this house feel like home to all of us.

when I walked into the store I wasn't surrounded by people although they were looking at me and sneaking pictures. I decided go ask one of the workers what a woman would like in her room or kitchen.

"excuse me, I just bought a house here and I was wondering, what would make the house feel more like a home to my girlfriend"

I could see her blushing and I was mentally laughing, but she walked me over to the wall paintings and quotes as well as little flower vases.

"um when I moved into my first house with my fiancè I bought some candles and some quotes for the walls since we didn't have anything hung up yet. it was simple, inexpensive and easy to put up"

"alright, thank you" I began to look around, but she didn't leave.

I found a couple of quotes that looked more girly so I carried them with me while I looked at candles. I figured the house smelled way too new so I'd pick up some scents.

I went with a strawberry scent and some type of christmasy one. when I checked out I signed a couple of autographs and took a few pictures.

I put them in the car and went back home, making sure to check my phone first.

From Kimberley;
I know we never talk, but I just wanted to thank you for taking the boys. they had a lot of fun and are hoping you can take them again soon.

I didn't know what to say, so I just deleted the message. I didn't want any kind of contact with her at all and she knows this. I only had her number saved in case the boys had an emergency while they were with me.

From pipsqueak;
Alanna and I are eating breakfast, wondering where you went.xx

To pipsqueak;
I went to pick up a few things, I'm on my way.

I drove off and soon enough I was back at the house. More like mansion.

when I walled in alanna came running to me as I picked her up careful not to drop the bags in my hands. I put her down when I got to the kitchen and took the stuff out.

Adrian's POV

I woke up this morning to alanna jumping on the bed and randy was gone. I walked over to the window and noticed the car wasn't there so I texted him and he said he went to pick up some things.

I cooked breakfast for Alanna & I and we ate then got our swimsuits on and went into the pool. I couldn't believe this place was actually mine and maybe in a few years my kids will be coming down that slide.

just when my thoughts of kids were taking over alanna ran through the door into Randy's arms as I walked in.

"what did you buy?"

he started to take the stuff out and I instantly saw candles. I picked one up and it smelt like strawberries. I lit it and I loved it.

Randall knows that I love strawberries and this is such a perfect candle I couldn't be more in love with an item.

He started to hang a couple of quotes on the wall and they were cute, they made it feel like home.

one read "this home wouldn't be a home without my family" and the other read "home is where the heart is and my hearts with you".

I thought it was a nice gesture and so adorable, but I soon found myself back out by the pool with alamna before randy joined us.

I don't think I need to remind you that my man in shorts looks hella good.

it was probably about 2pm by now and alanna said she was tired so I took her up stairs, gave her a short bath and put her down for a nap.

I went back out by the pool and found randy about to jump off the cliff as I cheered him on.


he laughed then jumped and swam over towards me. we shared a few kiss before I pushed his head under water and swam to the deep end right under the open cliff.

he followed me, and I latched myself around him, kissing him like I hadn't seen him in a year. it felt good to be back in his arms and be alone at peace.

the rest of our day went by pretty quick and before we knew it we were all laid down for bed.

{4:00pm - Sunday - Las Vegas, N}

so as you know, we have Monday night raw tomorrow and I'm officially back to work. we flew here earlier from Tampa and it sucks. I miss the house already, but we will go back Thursday night.

today alanna will be going back home to her mom and I'm super sad because it was so nice to have her for the weeks we did. I know Randy's sad, but she needs to see her mom too.

since we didn't have anything to do today I decided to give alanna and randy a day alone. he was okay with it and rn I am with Nikki going shopping.

"so you know, I just bought a house in Tampa and I'm going broke so please hold me back if I try to buy something over the limit"

"I understand girl, it sucks when we're on a budget, but luckily I haven't been shopping in over a month so I've got the money to buy what I want. holllaa"-Nikki

we jammed to the radio for about 30minutes before we reached a mall.

honestly, Nikki is one of the most down to earth people I know and although we feud on TV, she is one of my best friends.

-skipping shopping-

when I got back alanna was still with randy so we decided to head to a small little cafe and sit outside and wait for her mom. she would be meeting us there.

I decided to take a picture with Alanna and post it on Instagram.

so nice to meet this little girl, love her x1000!💓

everyone instantly started asking who's kid it was and some already knew. I was just happy that I know had my own memory with alanna to live on. her accepting me, makes me feel better about being with randy.

shortly Samantha arrived and I greeted her with a handshake, randy didn't say too much and I knew why. But she seemed sweet other than the fact she broke his heart.

"thank you for trusting your daughter around me, I know that must be some what hard. you truly have an amazing little girl"

"well, thank you. I wasn't to sure about sending her with randy because I didn't know you, but I've heard great things about you from his mom and such so its a pleasure to meet you. thank you for being so kind"

with that we shook hands and she was gone. I could tell randy was bummed, but I drug him to our tour bus and made it up to him... ;)

!Authors Note!
In the next chapter I will once again be skipping time! Like I've said I won't be describing their matches! Adrian is still the divas champion and randy is still heavy weight champion, if I feel that should change then that'll be described in the story.

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