Story Of A Lifetime

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Adrian's POV


my alarm was going crazy, making those annoying beeping sounds and I wish it would just shut off. I reached over and pressed the snooze button, indicating that I was now awake.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the night stand realizing today was Monday. dreading having to get up so early, but knowing john wanted to see me at the gym.

I saw I had four missed calls and 3 messages. I quickly looked at the messages and replied to each one.

From randall;
good morning, can't wait for raw. ready to kick ass with the worlds favorite diva!

To Randall;
Pretty sure the worlds gonna hate me after tonight. after all its gonna seem like two of their favorite men are taken.

From Paige;
Hey Adrian! Sorry I didn't get back to you a couple days ago, my phones shut off because I wanted to be present during the trip back and when we got here my family was waiting! once again I'm sorry luv.xoxo

To Paige;
Its okay, I understand!!

From john;
Its 5am and I couldn't sleep last night so I'm just going to wait till you reply and then I'll swing by and pick you up.

To John;
I'm awake now, getting ready. be here in 30!

all of my missed calls were from John obviously wanting me to wake up, but I always put my phone on silent before going to sleep.

getting up, I dragged myself to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, changed clothes and put my hair in a ponytail.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee, making myself aware and awake. just then I heard my phone going off.

From john;
I'm here, hurry up slow ass

To john;
Coming down now!

with that I grabbed my gym bag and keys. locked my hotel door and set off to the parking lot.

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