crazed eyes

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Adrian's POV


My alarm was making that awful sound indicating that it was time to get up & get moving.

I swear I just wanted a couple of more minutes in bed, but I knew I didn't have the time. because today was the day I would be driving to Atlanta.

I've been to Atlanta multiple times before and it was one of my favorite places to visit. the crowd was phenomenal and there were loads of fans there.

plus they have one of the best shopping malls out of every place ive visited and I always look forward to it.

I slowly rose from the bed, almost like a zombie from the walking dead and made my way to the bathroom. I hopped into the shower and woke myself up a little bit. I then got out, dried off and brushed my teeth. I applied very little make up just to look alive and went to my suitcase for clothes.

today I decided to wear comfy clothes since I had a 6hr drive. I went with some black leggings, a fitting tank top, and some black & white Nike shocks.

when I was done getting ready I made sure everything was packed and texted Paige to see if they had left yet.

to paige;
Hey, just got finished getting ready. has anybody left the hotels yet?

as I waited for her to reply I took my things out to my car and came back up to tidy up the room a little. I know I didn't have to and I know a maid will just come move everything, but I feel better about it if I do.

my phone started buzzing in my pocket so I decided to check it, remembering I had texted Paige.

From Randall;
Good morning, just wondering if you had left yet?

To Randall;
No, I just finished putting everything in the car. & trying to wait for Paige's reply. did you leave?

From Randall;
Oh, and no. I'm still here, but all the other guys have left. they didn't wake me up so I'm packing now.

To Randall;
oh, well I think the girls either left or are still sleeping. but I'm gonna take off, got a long drive all alone sadly.

From Randall;
Do you need a tour buddy? Haha

To Randall;
It would be nice, but no ones interested. maybe I shouldn't have turned down the girls offer of riding the tour bus.

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