home cooked dinner

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Adrian's pov

its officially Friday & today I start training with john for Thursday nights. I'm actually really excited.

john & I are on our way to the private gym and I'm not sure what he's going to have me work on, but hopefully we don't run!

we arrived at the gym and the first thing to be done was stretching, just making sure that we don't have any knots or tight muscles.

"alright, I think we've stretched enough, let's go ahead and start with some leg warmers. go over to the leg machine and keep increasing the weight until you feel like you just can't lift anymore"

alright, got it.

I went over to the leg machine and put on 60lbs just to start off. I did 10lifts for each leg and then 10more with both legs together. then I increased the weight to 100.

this is my normal weight limit for my legs but once again I repeated the process. 10 lifts for each leg & then 10more for both together.

I didn't feel like that's all I could do so I put on 20 more lbs. I began to lift and I was getting very tired quickly.

I dropped them to their normal position and shouted, signaling john that I was done with this exercise.

"okay, that's good 120 not bad for a diva. next we should work on your arms. 2 arm machines of your choice, each one for 20minutes. then lift the weights, 20reps to each arm and then 20together"

I just nodded and walked to the arm machines. I started pulling my arms together while holding the strings and doing this over and over again. after 20mins I moved to a different machine & repeated the process.

I then went over to the weights and picked up the 80lb weights and began doing 20reps each & then together.

once again I shouted at john to signal I had finished.

"Alright almost done, now the core muscles. let's go ahead and do some crunches, pushups, and sit ups"

okay, how many of each?

"Start with pushups, 15 of them. then 20 sit ups & 10crunches"

we began doing pushups, sit ups, and crunches. when we were done, we ran on the treadmills for 20minutes.

after about 2 & 1/2hrs in the gym we were finally finished. we exited the building and before I got into my car john began to say something.

"Adrian, you did good today, Monday morning I think we should meet up and go to the gym. I want to get you in the practice ring and teach you a few new techniques if that's cool"

of course, we'll be in Atlanta so I know a few good gyms there. thanks for today and thanks for offering to train me.

"My pleasure, you have great potential and don't forget Monday stephanie wants to talk to you about your new story line"

Thank you! & I won't forget, have a good day, see you Monday.

with that we waved and went our separate ways. tbh I didn't push myself today and I feel bad because he told me to. maybe next time.

I had about a 20minute drive back to the hotel so I decided to jam to some music.

low an behold, after about 5 songs in I hear the most familiar one yet.

I hear voices in my head,
They council me
They understand
They talk to me

You got your rules and your religion
All designed to keep you safe
But when rules start getting broken
You start questioning your faith

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