Chapter 30: Stripes of Manhood

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A/N: A friend recently messaged me and said quality over quantity. Thanks Jordy. I needed to hear that.

Anyway, this chapter is Jason's past. What happened to Ariana. How he ended up with his grandparents and how he got away from his mother's boyfriend.



I was in deeper shit than Andy in Shawshank Redemption. Why did I tell Mackenzie I loved her? O right, because I do. I really love her, to the point where I'd do almost anything for her. At one time I considered making Lyndsey disappear so Mackenzie could be in peace. Then I thought about how difficult it could be for her to love Jason Davenport through a prison glass and I decided against it.

I loved her to a point where I would give up everything for her. Even if that everything meant that I'd have to give her up. If it was for her well-being I would leap at the opportunity.

I loved her smile. I loved that she had the attention span of pea if the topic want something that interested her. I loved that she knew who I was even though I have yet to fully disclose that information to her. She brought me back to the person that I used to be which was both a good and bad thing, but mostly a good thing.

I love Mackenzie Gold, and I was about to destroy her life which would in turn cause me to lose her because there was no way she wasn't going to draw the lines back to me.

I tell her I love her and then I was going to have to pull the rug from underneath her by telling her that I'm assisting my demon grandparents in ruining everything her parents worked for. Therefore ruining her life. No college. No car. No more luxury. Everything gone.

I could hear the breakup in my head. She would shout at me and make me explain to her why I did what I did. How could I explain to her that I was stealing her fortune so that my grandparents wouldn't pull Ariana off of life support?

Seemed like nothing in my life could go right for more than a few months at a time because as long as I was in the picture things were destined to fall apart.

Things would be so much easier if my grandparents weren't in it. Better yet, life would be easier for everyone if I wasn't in it.

"F*ck!" I shout as I punch the wall. "You ruin everything." And just as if that were like wishing upon a freaking black hole Xavier appeared. He was like the opposite of what a fairy godmother would be.

"You're not ruining everything home wrecker," I could hear the smirk in his voice without even looking at him.

"Well, I'm not doing it for my f*cking health," I couldn't hold the disgust from my voice when addressing him. He was going to ruin my life when it was just getting back on track. "Why are you in here?"

"I'm just in here to make sure you're not having second thoughts," he says stepping all the way into Mackenzie's room. He walks over to the nightstand and picks up a picture of me and Mackenzie that Chloe had given her.

"Think of it as a healthy investment in your future," he adds.

"Nothing about being around you and those demons you work for is healthy," I snapped.

"I don't work for them anymore," his voice filled with indignation which indicated that this was a sensitive subject for him. "I work with them."

That revelation was the start of a genius idea. At least I thought it was a good idea. If I could put Xavier against my grandparents then I'd be off the hook. Their schemes would be put to an end and the Golds could move on with their lives...hopefully with me riding right alongside them.

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