Can't take it

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Only a week has passed since I saw Daniel for the last time, we've been texting but I don't know for how long we would be able to pull this off. The press has been trying to get some juicy information but they only get pictures of him hanging out with friends and me alone. Posey and Crystal on the other hand have openly said they're currently on a serious relationship. I think they might have come to that conclusion after what happened in San Diego. Crystal couldn't find the words to thank me for worrying about all of us and taking such an extreme decision. The press cared more about Posey since he was the big star and face to Teen Wolf but that didn't mean they wouldn't want some gossip about the rest of the cast.

I was having a smoothie with Alex when a girl approached us "Excuse me miss?" she said as I looked up to her "Yes?" I said and she smiled.

-Are you Stephanie? Daniel Sharman's girlfriend? -she said without hesitate.

-I am Stephanie but Im not Daniel Sharman's girlfriend -I nervously laughed.

-Really? I thought you two were dating... at least that's what everyone thought -she said with a sad look.

-We're on a break now -I said trying to comfort the girl.

-Why? -the girl said wondering.

-Because -I looked at Alex trying to find a good excuse- because it would be weird for him to have finished a relationship and started a new one, right?

-That's how love is though, sometimes you like someone and you can't do anything about it -she giggled.

-You're right...

-But I guess that waiting is good too -she smiled- anyway, I really hope you two work it out because I shipped you two so hard -she said excited.


-Uh... it's... nevermind, would you do me a favor? -she nicely asked.

-Sure -I nodded.

-When you see Daniel, could you please give him this? It's a scrap book I did for him a few days ago... my friend who works here told me you came here often so I thought I would ask you to give it to him since it's so hard to see them at events -she smiled.

-Oh... sure -I nodded looking at Alex.

-Mind if I take a picture too? 

We took a picture together and she thanked me for being so nice, Alex look at me excited and smiled "You're getting your little fanbase there, now they know your name" she said laughing "Shut up" I said embarrassed. We walked towards the car when a pap started to follow us "Where's Daniel, Stephanie? Did you two break up?" I turned to him and looked at him like seriously? are you asking me that? Alex gave the pap a look as we entered the car "C'mon Stephanie we want the story, are you guys together or are you just hooking up" I looked at the pap and took a deep breath, Alex squished my hand so I wouldn't say anything to make the situation worse "Do you want to talk about hooking up? Go find a proper hooker then" I said as I rolled my window up. We went back to the apartment and Daniel texted me. "How's it going?" I smiled and Alex giggled "Good, a pap mobbed us at the mall but it's alright I took care of him ;)" I laughed after texting that and sat at the couch when Alex turned on the tv. "Did you punch him? I can totally picture that" he texted back as I laughed "Of course I didn't you silly" I typed suddenly Alex put on E! and Crystal was being interviewed with a couple more from the cast.

"So what do you say will happen in season 4?" 

"I don't know to be sure... everything can happen"

"Isn't it easier for you to work with Tyler now that you two are in a relationship? how did you find out you two were in love?"

"I'd say it started when we first worked together, he just has this sparkle on him that I fell in love with... we always had this something between us you know..."

"Is it true that Tyler was going out with the cast's personal chef, Stephanie Courcelle before dating you?"

"Does it matter now? Steph is part of the family just like everyone else. What happens with our hearts it's not really a big deal, considering we work for months 24/7 everything might happen."

"That's how love is in Hollywood"

"Of course, people fall in love with their co-stars all the time"

Alex looked at me and I let out a sigh. "What" I said as she smiled "At least things are falling into their place, right?" she said as I looked away. "Right...". After Alex left I went to bed, I was missing Daniel's hugs... his smell... his kisses... I pressed the pillow strongly with my hands crying myself to sleep.

-----------------------------------DANIEL'S POV-------------------------------------

I was thinking on making a trip... but I'd surely want Steph to come with me... it might be hard considering paps are all over the place, always. Ian was coming over, at least I'd be able to get my mind to relax for a little bit. As soon as he got there we got some beers and went downstairs where I had a pool table. "So how's everything with Steph?" he asked after a while "Good... we've been texting like crazy" I laughed "It must be hard not to be able to see her... Im sorry" he said looking down "It's okay... I don't think we would have to stay like this for too long, considering Tyler and Crystal are officially together and in a serious relationship" he looked at me and smiled "What about Blake have you talked to her?" he asked wondering.

I took a moment to answer that, no I haven't talked to her but also she hasn't said any comments on what happened... she's already seeing someone else but the press seems to be blaming it on me instead of her too. "No I haven't" I said as he looked at me "Maybe you should just go and do a public annoucement about your private life, that way no one would stick their noses in your life with lies" Ian suggested, he might be right but what if that's worse? I just want Steph to be happy and I don't want to force her into this life... having paps following you everywhere, having lies told about you, your friends and your whole life. Drama all over the place... that's just something Steph doesn't know and will have to understand... slowly. I'm no one to rush her into this life and make her like it, no one really likes it except for the fact you're doing what you love.

-Okay the loser buys pizza -Ian said laying his turn.

-Alright -I said excited.

He lost the match so he bought pizza, we played some fighting videogame while eating pizza and then he left. I walked upstairs to my room and leaned on the bed. It took me hours to finally fall asleep, all I could think was Stephanie, her beautiful smile and how I'd die to have her here with me now... being so close yet so far. I can't count the times I rolled from one side to another in bed trying to fall asleep. I wasn't sleepy at all. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Before The Worst (Daniel Sharman / completed)Where stories live. Discover now