Favorite game

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I was cutting potatoes inside the kitchen, I was really concentrated on doing it perfectly when I heard a "Goodmorning" and I quickly stop cutting and looked up to see who interrupted me, I got to admit that I was also a little bit nervous trying to let the stress out by cutting and cutting food. "Are you alright? You seem stressed" I've never looked at him that annoyed so I just shaked my head "Im fine, now would you mind letting me finish cooking?" he looked at me impressed, yeah Posey might have forgotten what happened last night but I surely didn't forget, even though he didn't do much I had too much inside my head, I wanted to be alone. "Fine" he said walking away.

-I don't know what's gotten into her -Tyler said to Dylan.

-Did you do something? -Dylan asked wondering.

-Not that I remember of... I mean I kissed her last night, it can't be that -he said scratching the back of his head.

-I don't think it's that, what else happened?

-We came back and we drank a little bit, well me and Daniel to be exact and then... I kind of fell asleep... I don't really remember much.

-Something might have happened... girls don't get mad just because...

-Should I ask her?

-No! Don't ask her because that might make her uncomfortable and will offend her the fact you don't remember... just tell her you're sorry, she will like that, whatever happened you're sorry.

-I guess you're right, yeah I will do that -he smiled.

After finishing the food, the boys were wandering around shoting new scenes and such, I didn't pay much attention to them, I haven't seen Daniel during the whole day either so I just put the snacks on a table and left everything ready for them to just take and eat. I walked away, trying to meet the place a little bit more, I took my iPod with me.

After a few hours the guys were wondering where I could be, it wasn't normal for me to be gone for so long.

-Hey Matthew have you seen Steph around? -Posey asked as everyone looked at him worried.

-I bet she's admiring the scenery -he said smiling.

-But it's not like her to be gone for so long -he let out a sigh.

-She'll come back don't worry -Matt teased.

-I haven't seen her either -Daniel said to Tyler.

-Im worried... -Tyler said looking around.

-Relax, she will come -Dylan patted Tyler's back.

Everyone went inside the cottage and started to play scrabble, a few hours later, it was almost 10pm and I opened the door of the cottage. "Jesus Steph where were you?" Tyler yelled as I looked at him confused and took my headphones off "What?" I said, he looked really mad, but why should HE be mad? I was the one mad here.

-You had us all worried -he said as everyone looked at me.

-I just went to enjoy the scenery a little bit, you don't get to see nature this close so often right? -I said walking towards my bed.

-Hey can I have a minute I want to talk to you -Tyler said as everyone went back to the scrabble game.

-No, Im really tired Tyler -I said mad.

-Please... just hear me out -he said as I nodded and we both sat in the couch that was next to the dining room where the rest were playing scrabble.

Only a vague light was turned on on the dinning room so the living room looked really dark, I didn't turn on any lights because I was about to get into bed.

-Im sorry -he said.

-Why? -I asked looking straight into his eyes.

-For last night, Im... sorry -he took my hand.

-You are? do you remember? -I asked confused.

-No but I bet it was something annoying... I don't usually behave that way Steph, I never drink that much to be honest I just kind of lost the track last night... Im sorry.

-It's okay -I smiled- I accept your apology...

-Really?! -he looked excited.

-Yeah... it's not like you did anything wrong anyway.

-Then why are you mad? -he asked confused.

-Just because, nevermind -I said as he didn't understand.

-Anyway... Im glad you accepted my apology...

-Don't be silly, that means you care -I giggled.

-Yeah I do -he said giving me a kiss.

It took me by surprise to be honest, the rest of the guys since they were playing scrubble didn't notice we kissed but Daniel was looking at us when we did so he stood there, totally ignoring he was playing a game, Crystal called his name out a couple of times but he didn't seem to snap out of it until he did "Daniel!" he looked at Crystal confused "What?" she shaked her head laughing saying "It's your turn silly" as Daniel nodded and let out a sigh looking at the corner of his eye where Tyler and I were.

Tyler smiled at me and went back to where the rest of the guys were, I changed to pajamas in the bathroom and washed my teeth then I got inside the bed, I could hear the guys laughing and Holland suggested they should go to bed too. "Tomorrow we should stay all awake!" Crystal said as everyone agreed, Dylan, Tyler and Holland went upstairs and Crystal got up from the couch "Daniel... could you please clean this up? Pretty please?" she said as Daniel nodded, taking the game and putting it back on its place, then he walked towards my bed.

-Steph -he whispered as I pretended to be asleep.

He whispered my name a couple of times more then he let out a small laugh getting even closer to me and whispered "I know you're not sleeping" I didn't know why though but he knew... "The light of your iPod is on, meaning you changed the song recently" I opened one eye and looked at him "Fine" I said sitting on the bed looking at him who was sitting on the couch, my bed was on the floor.

-What's gotten into you? -he cheekily asked.


-You kind of dissappear the whole day.

-Yeah and?

-Well... anyway, so you and Tyler are together now? -he said looking away with a cocky smile.

-Maybe, and?

-Interesting... -he said looking back at me.

-Go to bed Daniel -I said getting inside my bed again.

I took the blanket and rolled to one side of the bed, my back was facing him as he leaned on the bed to whisper into my ear one more time, he smiled before doing so. I could feel him breathing into my ear "By the way, I'm not sorry" I opened my eyes in shock, he got up and walked upstairs leaving me there. So HE REMEMBERS ABOUT LAST NIGHT. He knows he called me "Blake" and what happened... he just doesn't care? Could he be that of a duchebag? Nah... there's something more... maybe he just likes to play... well let me tell you, two can play that game mister.

Before The Worst (Daniel Sharman / completed)Where stories live. Discover now