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Okay Mr. McConelly being in the set two days in a row was definitely something weird, where is Melanie anyway? I haven't seen her since before McConelly gave me a raise. He was leaving our trailer probably to go talk to the set managers. I left my stuff at the trailer and said hi to James.

-What's that all about? -he asked confused.

-What? -I asked back.

-Oh nothing -he said ignoring my question.

-Hey, you know something, what's going on? -I asked confused.

-Mr McConelly was talking to a man earlier, Im sure it was someone important, they were talking about you and he left you a letter but Melanie took it... -he said embarrassed.

-She what?! -I said mad.

-Im sorry... -he said looking down.

-That fucking bitch -I yelled rushing outside the trailer.

-Oh are you looking for this? -Melanie showed off a letter.

-That's mine Melanie -I said mad.

-But it's not in your hands is it? You should know your place -she said as I looked at her straight in the eye.

-Excuse me? -I said mad.

-You, should know your place-

She barely ended the sentence when I punched her harder in the face, the scream she made was louder enough for the whole place to hear, she dropped the letter as I took it back and she looked at me.

-Crazy bitch what's wrong with you? -she yelled.

-What's wrong with YOU! I swear I've lost my patience with you -I said walking away.

-You're fired -she said.

-There's no need to, I QUIT -I yelled walking towards the exit of the studios.

-Miss Courcelle? -someone behind me called my lastname.

I turned around and saw a man running towards me, I have never seen him before but he apparently knew me.

-Yes? -I said confused.

-Im Matthew, set manager of the set 3 -he smiled.

Set 3? Oh right that was Teen Wolf's set... what's up with that, I quit anyway so why would he ran all the way here to talk to me?

-Im sorry but I just quit -I said.

-That's perfect -he said with a smile on his face.

"Perfect?" did I hear well? Why would that be perfect? I was the one making the food for your cast mister... now you'll have to look for someone else... weirdo.

-I would like to hire you -he said serious.

-Hire? -I asked confused.

-Yes I spoke to McConelly and he agreeg on letting you go as long as we would take care of you, now in that letter are the especifications of the job, I'd love to have you on the crew -he said smiling.

I took the letter and looked at him, I gently smiled, the job was about being a private chef for the whole cast, they weren't that picky with the food so it would't be hard, besides the salary it's way better than what I used to get paid.

-So? -he asked excited.

-Alright I accept the job -I smiled.

-Great! You'll start tomorrow morning, I'll introduce you the cast then -he smiled walking away.

"Sure" I thought to myself but I wasn't really interested on meeting them, especially because they were so different from me and Im here to cook not to make friends...

Before The Worst (Daniel Sharman / completed)Where stories live. Discover now