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Two days have passed since Daniel came and we talked, I haven't been able to talk to Tyler yet because to be honest I've been trying to avoid him until I'm ready, Daniel has given me space too but he said he wouldn't be waiting forever... he's right thought. There's only one little detail I forgot. The press. Considering Daniel broke up only a few weeks ago, rumours spread fast and they're normally not good rumours. I was sitting on the table when Holland came in with a magazine "This can't be good" I thought to myself.

-Steph what is going on? Did you break up with Tyler or something? -she asked leaving the magazine in front of me.

-What are you talking about Holland? I was never with Tyler -I shaked my head.

-But the make over and the event, remember? -she asked confused.

-I was only his date that day... We were seeing each other yes but we weren't actually together, didn't you know? -I asked wondering.

-Not really... well then are you with Daniel now?! -she asked excited with a smile on her face.

-What?! -I asked confused.

-Look -she showed off some pictures of Daniel leaving my place on sunday, then some other pictures of us on monday outside the set when we were playing ping pong an article was down the pictures too.

"We thought Daniel Sharman spent his single days well... single, but it seems there might have been one special lady that already caught his attention.

After some interesting pics from sunday evening hit online, rumors are now running wild that something might be happening in the love department between Sharman and the mysterious girl.

What would Blake Lively think about all this? It's been only a few days since the couple slipt and Sharman has already found a new lover.

A picture of Daniel and the mysterious girl playing ping pong and getting cozy monday afternoon might be giving away a few hints.

And it seems to be at least confirmed that the mysterious girl works with the cast of Teen Wolf, meaning they might see each other a lot more than we think."

-Bullshit -I said as Holland opened her eyes.

-Bullshit? but the pictures, you can't deny Daniel was leaving your apartment sunday afternoon!

-I'm not denying that, nor the pictures, but we've been friends since I started working here, we haven't changed that, we still have the same relationship as usual just because some silly picture of him leaving my house on a sunday afternoon is out there doesn't mean anything -I said mad.

-What about this scandal? -Holland said lending me another magazine.

-Geez Holland you read all the magazines? -I asked wondering.

-No but my niece does and she talked to me about it...

"Is Tyler Posey's girl cheating on him? We've seen a lot of scandals about the Teen Wolf cast  lately but it seems these young actors are crazier than they seem. Stephanie Courcelle, the cast's personal chef was recently linked to actor Tyler Posey after they were spotted together at the Fashion week convention, the young actor was seen leaving Courcelle's residence more than once which made us think they could be having something more than just a friendship.

Some pictures of the couple kissing were wandering around Instagram and Twitter but they never openly recognized the relationship. 

Fellow actor Daniel Sharman just a few days ago split with actress Blake Lively but it seems he soon recovered since he was spotted leaving Courcelle's residence past sunday afternoon. They might have been only having some tea, but we can't be certain.

Courcelle sure has something that seems to be attracting the whole cast, maybe it's the delicious food she makes for the cast?"

-Your image Steph... Im worried about that not these morons -Holland said.

-But I never was with Tyler! -I said mad- and Im not with Daniel! -I shaked my head.

-What was he doing at your home sunday afternoon? -she asked worried.

-Holland... isn't it obvious? -I said letting out a sigh.

-But this -she showed off the magazine- it's a problem Steph, you have to be careful! I know you two like each other but be careful okay? -she said patting my back.

-Sure -I smiled.

-So you and Daniel huh? -Posey said entering the kitchen.

-Shut up -I said mad.

-What? are you getting mad now? we're nothing-

-You're having a secret affair with Crystal, we're even -I said looking at him.

-Who told you that? -he asked confused.

-Stop lying Posey! -I yelled.

-What do you care! -he yelled back.

-I don't just stop lying, if you like Crystal go and be with her but stop playing this stupid game -I yelled.

-So you're okay with it?! -he asked confused.

-Of course Im okay with it, Crystal is my friend and if she likes you and you like her then be happy together dammit -I said looking away.

-What about-

-We're nothing, remember? -I said mad.

-So you now can be with Daniel too -he said letting out a sigh.

-No because apparently Im your "girl" -I said crossing my arms.

-Fuck the press -he said.

-No, you should probably tell them Im not your girl, for once -I said walking away.

-I will... that way they'll stop making up stuff -he said mad.

-They never stop -Crystal said from behind.


-I told you she would find out -she said.


-It was obvious, almost everyone knew but her...

-But she'll be with Daniel now, she'll be happy.

-If the pressure doesn't get to her... you know how hard is to deal with the press... do her a favor and help her out -Crystal suggested.

-I guess you're right -he nodded.

Next morning Alex texted me an url of an online article, I opened it on my phone.

"Teen Wolf's star Tyler Posey opens up about his love live and tells us everything about his recent love interest, Stephanie Courcelle.

"We were never actually together to begin with, it's those things that happen you know, nothing serious" Posey says.

We also asked him about Courcelle's current love interest as he saved comments about that saying he didn't know anything. "Steph is a good friend of ours but I'm not really bumping into his personal life".

He mentioned too that his co-star Crystal Reed was getting his attention, and that their current state might lead to a more than friends relationship. "Crystal and I are really close, our relationship has grown with every season, I can't deny working with her it's amazing and it makes me see her with different eyes off set." Posey and Reed have been linked several times before since the series began but they always denied any love interest between the co-stars. It looks like they finally decided to come out and accept the real deal between them."

"Nice" I though with a small smile in my face, Daniel leaned on the door frame and smiled "Goodmorning star" he teased "Shut up, Im not pleased about this whole crap" I shaked my head "I know but relax, they still don't know half of the story" he laughed.

He was right though, the press might know some things but the only ones who know the truth are ourselves, the press won't fuck this up, it took me too long to be where I am now and Im finally where I wanted to be, with Daniel being straight with his feelings and for once not being mysterious at all.

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