Battle of the Commanders

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Lucy's POV

The armies rush forward. Except for me, Natsu, and two people from the dark side. I narrow my eyes. I unquip my sword and let go of Natsu's hand. We rush forward to the two waiting things. We all meet at the center of the battle field. Me and Natsu widen our eyes. The one in front of Natsu was a dragon as well. He had long spikey gray hair. He blue patterns all over his body. His wings and tail was pitch black and had blue patterns on them as well. The person next to him had long black hair, which was also spikey, and was holding a book that had E.N.D. printed on it. They both bow, shocking me and Natsu. The guy with gray hair speaks first. "My name is Acnologia." "My name is Mard Geer" The other one says. Natsu blinks. "I'm Natsu and this is Lucy" I punch his arm. "What? Its only right to introduce ourselves if they do" I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Natsu, this is the enemy" He nods with an open mouth. "Oh, yeah I forgot." We all face palm. I summon my strongest sword. A big golden blade with blue four pointed star on the tip. Natsu lifts two flaming hands. Acnologia brings out a hand, that is covered in a blue dark light thing. Mard Geer lifts two fingers.

I jump over some rose thorns. I was battling Mard Geer. While Natsu was battling Acnologia. I dodge some thorns from above me. I cough as some of them hit my stomach. I collapse to my knees. Mard Geer is too strong. I'm so glad that Wendy and Romeo are staying behind. I never want them to witness this. I stand back up with my bangs covering my face. I grin madly and then requip something in my hands. I'm done. This battle has been going on for half a day. Mard Geer widens his eyes and walks backwards. "No! How do you have that?!" I chuckle. "I went to a priest before the battle. I figured that you're a demon so~" He takes a step back then I lunge forward, bottle of holy water in my hand. He trips over his own thorn branch. I crouch in front of his face. I spray the water in his face.

 He screams then he starts bloating. I cover my face with one arm as he explodes, blood and guts flying everywhere. I stand up, with my nose crinkled. "Ew~ Damn it! This was my good armor!" I use my hands to wipe some of the blood off my arms and the extras on my face. "Ew~ Lucy your all bloody!" I look over to my right to see Natsu just standing there. "Where's Acnologia?" He points up. I walk over to him then look up. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Natsu laughs. "That's my dad for ya!" Igneel was a giant red dragon. He was fighting Acnologia, who was a giant black dragon with the same blue patterns. Igneel roars, missing Acnologia but destroying a mountain in the process. We sweatdrop. "Natsu?" "Yeah?" "Wasn't that the god territory?" "Yeah" "We're screwed" "Damn right"

"Lucy?" "Yeah?" "Why are you covered in blood and guts?" "I killed Mard Geer" I hear him take a deep breath in from his teeth. "Are... you ok?" I tilt my head. "Yeah, why?" He looks at me. "Lucy, normal people don't kill people others, Fairies no less" I shrug. "I don't know, I'm not affected by it for some reason." He grabs my bloody hands. "Lucy." "What?" "Lets go get you cleaned up" "How?" "Summon a bottle of water and a rag please" I take my hands out from his and spread my arms out with my palms facing up. Then a bottle of water and a wash rag appears in each hand. I hand it to him. He makes me sit down then sits down in front of me. He pours some water on the rag then puts the bottle on the ground. Then everything around us seems to stop, not literally, it was just us. I close an eye as he wipes it over my face. He smiles painfully. I go to open my mouth but he wipes the blood from my lips with the rag. He takes one of my arms and raises it in the air. He winces as he removes an organ that was wrapped around it.

He only wipes half of the blood off my arm before burning it. I sigh and requip another rag and hand it to him. He wets the rag and wipes the rest of the blood off my arm. I requip a pile of rags, which appear next to him. He burns the rag and grabs another one. I put my now clean arm down. I sigh and look up. I see Igneel and Acnologia fighting still. Blue and red magic lighting up the dark sky. Natsu snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Need more water" I wince and nod. I requip two bottles and hand it to him. I feel Natsu taking another organ off my arm and shoulder. I look at Natsu. His face was so concentrated. I see his wings moving to his heartbeat. I look at his tail and see it swaying slowly. I occasionally see it twitch. I sigh and close my eyes. "Lucy?" I open my eyes. "yes?" "Why are you staring at me?" "Cuz I can?" "Ok good enough" I sweatdrop and close my eyes again.  

I hear some footsteps behind me. I lean back and open my eyes. "Erza?" She looks at Natsu, who smiles and continues to clean my leg, and smiles. "Oh? What are you two doing?" I blush at her intentions. "Oh, I killed Mard Geer, Natsu is cleaning the blood off of me" "Why can't you do it yourself?" I pout and cross my arms. "He won't let me" Natsu lifts my leg up. Erza blushes and nods. "Well, we won the war, we're waiting on Igneel and Acnologia to finish" I nod as Natsu sets my leg down and bends my other leg up. "Almost done Lucy" I give him a thumbs up. I look back up at Erza. "What about Zeref?" Erza shrugs. "He ran off. I was fighting him then all of a sudden he disappears in thin air" Natsu pouts. "The wimpy bastard" I giggle. "I'm sure he had his reasons." Erza crosses her arms and nods. "Most likely. That wont be the last of him" Natsu set my leg down and pats it. "There you go, just requip into something else" He stands up and helps me up. I requip into a white skirt, and a button up blue shirt. I hear a roar of pain then a crash. We all widen our eyes and look over to the dragons in the sky. "IGNEEL!" Igneel had Acnologia's arm severed off and in his mouth. Acnologia had ripped Igneel apart. A giant hole on his left side. Natsu takes off running. Me and Erza break out into tears.

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