Chapter 36

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Three months later, Emma was still in the room in the house in Maine. Will and Neal hardly came into her room unless they were giving her food. She was slowly going mad because of her confinement. She thought that Killian thought she was dead. Her story slowly faded off from the news and she knew there was no hope. She stopped visiting Hook in her dreams because she did little sleeping. Sleeping was when the nightmares came.

Killian hardly got sleep as well. He, unlike Emma, had hope that she was still alive and kicking, even though there was no clues, no news, no evidence.

There was a knock on the door from his room at Granny's. He stood up and opened it. Ruby stood on the other side.

"Killian, the police found something." She said.

His eyes lit up. "What? What did they find?"

"I don't know. They wanted me to come and get you. You are the closest thing to her and they didn't want to proceed unless you were there."

Killian grabbed his leather jacket and followed Ruby out of the bed and breakfast. The search in Maine had narrowed down to Storybrooke and a few towns out of it. They drove for an hour and a half until Ruby pulled off to the side of the road. Police cars and yellow tape were surrounding an area. Ruby got out of the car and Killian followed. They reached the detective who was looking at the open area.

"What did you find?" Killian asked getting straight to the point.

"We found footsteps in the mud leading somewhere, but after a while they stop. We are suspecting that there is an underground bunker being used to hold Ms. Swan." The detective said.

"Well what are you bloody waiting for? Go get her!" Killian yelled.

The detective turned around and nodded his head. Men in blue with guns looked at the ground and removed the dirt and mud. Other than the footsteps, there wasn't another sound, until he heard it.

"Negative, sir! Just a board."

Killian sighed and turned around. He walked over to a tree and pounded his fists against the bark until someone pulled him back. He looked over his shoulder and Ruby had her arms wrapped around him.

"It's been three months Killian. Do you think that she isn't alive anymore? Do you think that this is enough?" She asked.

Killian pulled himself out of her arms. "How could you give up? She's alive, I know it."

"But they haven't found anything. I think it's time to give up."

Killian shook his head. Tears welled in his eyes. "No. I have hope. That's all I need to find her. If every one of you gits want to give up, be my guest, but I will find Emma." He walked over to the car and opened the door. "Take me home Ruby. I have things to do."

Emma was laying in her prison room when the door opened. She looked over and Neal was standing there.

"What do you want?" Emma asked bitterly.

"There are people still looking for you." He said.

"You might as well tell them I'm dead. I'm not going to get out of here."

"What happened to all of your hope shit?"

Emma shrugged. "It faded away."

"Good. You don't need that clouding your head. You've been here for three months and no one has rescued you. I am just too good as this."

"Keep patting yourself on the back."

Neal left the room and slammed the door. Sleep finally caught up to her and Emma drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Emma!" She heard someone say.

It was pitch black.


She looked up and someone was coming to her. She saw two bright blue dots coming closer.

"Killian?" Her voice was hoarse.

"Swan, it's alright. I'm here now, we are going home." He said bringing her in for a hug.

A loud crashing sound woke her up. She sat straight up on the mattress and looked around. Nothing was different. Everything was how it had been for the last three months.

(Here is our major time skip. Go ahead, jaws drop, you think I'm terrible)

Three years later..........

"Will and I our going out. Scream, make any noises, get anyone's attention, bad things will happen. Understand?" Neal asked as he locked Emma's chains in place.

"I've been here for three fucking years. I haven't tried to escape before, why would I try now?" She asked. 'You don't have to know that I have actually tried multiple times.' She thought.

"Good girl." He patted her on the head like someone would do to a dog and walked out of the room.

Emma heard Neal's car start and she pulled on the chains. She reached behind her around her wrists and felt something sticking out of the lock.

A key

She moved it around and her hands were free. She moved over to the door and turned the doorknob.


She ran to the front door and unlocked it and ran. She ran and ran even though her legs were begging for a rest and her lungs burned for air. She saw a building and ran towards it. She pounded on the doors and a woman came to open it for her.

"Call the police, please." Emma said.

The woman nodded and ran to a phone. Another woman came out of a back room with a blanket. She wrapped it around Emma's shoulders and handed her a cup with water.

"What's your name?" The woman asked.

"Emma Swan."

They looked at her in shock. "People gave up searching for you two years ago. They thought you were dead."

"No, I was held captive by Neal Cassidy and Will Scarlett. I know where the place is. It's empty and I can lead the police there."

She heard sirens and an ambulance and a cop car pulled up in front of the small restaurant. They ran in and over to Emma.

"How do you feel?" A paramedic asked.

"Fine." Emma said. "I just want to go home."

"Who do you want us to call?" The police officer asked.

"My friend, Ruby Lucas." Emma gave him the phone number and he stepped aside to call. "We don't have much time. Will and Neal won't be gone long, once they know that I escaped they'll be back."

"Where is this place you were held?" The other officer asked.

Emma told them the location and people scrambled all around her. The paramedics picked at her skin with needles and the police officers walked around her.

"Emma, Ruby is on her way." The officer on the phone said.

Emma nodded and the paramedics walked away from her. She stared out the window until the familiar red car pulled up. Ruby ran inside and brought Emma in for a hug.

"We thought you were dead!" Ruby said.

"Thanks for getting to the point." Emma said sarcastically.

Ruby helped her up and brought her to her car.

"You can stay with me and Victor until you get back on your feet." Ruby said as she started the car.

"Where do you guys live now?"

"We moved back to Storybrooke. Everyone did really."

Emma took a deep breath and they drove off.

Welcome to the end of this book! I'll be making a third book after this. I'll let you know when I get it posted by updating here.

More will be explained in the next book...

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