Chapter 25

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Monday came and Emma was happy to be able to get back to school. She rushed out of the apartment and ran to her car after eating breakfast and getting ready. Killian opened the door about 10 seconds later then when she got into the car.

"Someone excited?" Killian asked.

"You know it. It is so boring staying there alone all day." Emma said starting the car.

"Don't worry because after you get home, I'll make sure that you are far from being bored." A smirk that was on his face just screamed what he wanted to do.


"Oh! Swan, I forgot to tell you of the people that I'm friends with. Their names are Arthur, Gwen, Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and Jack. I told them that you were coming back today and they are super excited to meet you."

"Oh yay." Emma said sarcastically.

"Cmon love, cheer up. They are really nice."

"You can't make me like them." Emma said sticking her tongue out.

Killian gave her a small smile. "I'm sure I won't have to."

She rolled her eyes and Killian turned the radio on. He sang a few of the songs that came on and Emma giggled. These were the moments that she enjoyed. Just time with her boyfriend and not having to worry about Neal. They pulled up to the school and Emma impatiently waited for Killian to grab his things. He grabbed her hand and together, they went into the school. Killian went into his first class that he shared with Emma. He led her to the back of the classroom and a girl with blonde hair sat with another girl who had red hair.

"Elsa! Anna! Look what I brought!" Killian said.

Elsa groaned. "If it's another phone app Jones, I swear."

"Hey! I am not a what." Emma said yanking her hand away. "I'm a who."

Elsa and Anna turned their heads and caught a glimpse of Emma. Anna ran over to her and hugged her.

"Are you Emma?" She asked once she pulled away.

"Yea." Emma said.

"Killian has said so much about you!" Anna said.

Elsa stood up and looked at Emma. "I'm Elsa and this is Anna."

"Killian has mentioned you guys too."

Elsa turned her head. "Did he now?"

"Well only 10 minutes before we got here."

They giggled again.

Killian put his hand on Emma's lower back. "See? I told you that you would like them."

"Oh Anna, look who just walked in!" Elsa said.

Everyone turned their heads and a man with reddish hair walked in.

"Isn't that your boyfriend, Kristoff?" Elsa asked with a smile on her face.

"No. Sadly not. He's just a friend." Anna said.

"You guys will get there." Emma said. She leaned into Elsa and Anna's ears. "That's what happened with Killian and I."

"Hey! Killian!" Kristoff yelled. He came over to them. "Is this Emma?"

"Yea." Emma said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kristoff."

She smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Kristoff."

Emma sat down next to Elsa. She was feeling at home here with Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff. Now all she had to do was meet Jack, Gwen, and Arthur.

"So, tell me about yourself Emma." Elsa said.

"Well, I'm from Maine and I've only been in a small circle of friends. I'm sure Killian has told you all about me." Emma said.

"Indeed, he has. But, I have a feeling that we are going to be great friends."

Emma laughed. "So it's not just me then?"

"No it's not."

"So, who is this Jack, Gwen, and Arthur?"

"Gwen and Arthur are... Interesting. They are only in our group because Kristoff and Jack like them. Well Arthur actually. Gwen is going out with Arthur but he is super possessive and stuff. Gwen is thinking about leaving him, but she doesn't want our friendships to be messed up." Elsa said. Her eyes cold as she explained.

"Oh, so who is this Jack?"

A small blush rose up to Elsa's cheeks. "Jack is really cute. He wears these blue hoodies and his hair is a whitish gray color but it isn't in a way that makes him look like an old person. He is nice and protective and competitive but really caring at the same time."

Emma smiled. "So you like Jack?"

Anna cut in and answered for her sister. "She definitely likes him. Like big time major crushing on him!"

"Keep it down! Do you want everyone to know?" Elsa said embarrassed.

"Honey, everyone knows." Anna glanced up then back down. "And look who's here!"

"Oh shit, act natural." Emma said pretending to be nervous.

Elsa glared at her as Jack sat behind Emma.

"Not trying to be rude, but who are you?" Jack asked pointing at Emma.

Elsa tapped Jack on his leg with her foot. "That's Emma. Remember Killian talking about her?"

Emma noticed a slight blush raising to his cheeks when Elsa touched him. She instantly knew. Jack liked Elsa back. "Right! Emma! It's awesome to finally meet you!"

Emma giggled. "You too. I've heard a lot about you."

Elsa glared at Emma but she pretended not to notice. Jack went over to Killian and Elsa let out a breath.

"What was that for? He totally likes you back!" Emma said excitedly.

"No he doesn't. Why would a guy like that like me?" Elsa said.

"That's what I thought with Killian. He will ask you out because he likes you. I guarantee it."

"Yea sis. No need to stress. You can pretend that he doesn't like you, but he does." Anna said.

"But what if he likes me but doesn't want to ask me out?" Elsa said.

"Make him jealous. Make him think that you are going to get some other guy to go out with you." Emma said.

"I don't think that's she's going to have to. He's coming back!" Anna said.

Jack tapped Elsa on the shoulder. "Can I talk to you?"

Elsa nodded and Anna and Emma gave her excited looks and thumbs up. Elsa was gone for about two minutes. The bell rang when her and Jack both sat down. Emma looked over at her and she had a smile on her face. Emma raised her eyebrows at Elsa and she just simply nodded.

'Ah, the birth of true love.' Emma thought to herself as she glanced over at Killian.

I hate writing a chapter with a bunch of girls in it! So confusing and it seems like I'm always saying the names, but I don't want anyone to get confused.

For those of you (if there are any) that are waiting for the double date with Phillip and Aurora and Emma and Killian, it will be in the next chapter.

Anybody picking up what I'm putting down? Jack Frost and Elsa? Both have ice powers, they both made winter, the cold never bothered either of them?

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